Is romancing a 12 yr old on twitter considered "trolling"

0  2016-10-30 by TheScarletR

Asking for a friend


its considered a "felony" in some places .... but this aint one of em' ... you go ahead and sweep that little girl off her feet

Phew, thanks for the timely response!

Shouldn't you have woken up hung over and deleted this post by now?

Sober as a bird, I aint scurred

But did you buy her an iPad?

Naw man I aint rich like our boy Kumiyyaa

Shuuuuuuure, sweep her off of them..then smooch all over dem litt-el tootsies

It's still too early. This'll get upvoted soon enough.

Ant is your friend?

Just go to Thailand for 1000 to 1500 baht(about 30 usd) you can get all the teenage pussy you can handle. You haven't lived till you've fucked a 4'9 85 pound 16 year old asian girl. Makes you feel like you got a 15 inch dick or so my friend tells me, I would never do that myself. Or you can go to a bj bar and get a teenage girl to suck your dick and 4 beers for 15 to 20 usd, or so I heard.

informative friend, you have

Yeah He's a pretty cool dude who totally isn't me at all.

Lol. You're friend rules

Isn't Thailand in a death spiral of AIDS epidemic?

What are you, a faggot? But I probably do have HIV but I don't give enough of a fuck to get tested. I could live till 80 marry someone who I'll grow to hate while working in a soul crushing factory in a grain shit heap of a town or fuck third world whores and do opiates and die in my 30's. Easy choice.

Well, when you boil it down like that .... lol

I'm actually depressed about how good of a point u just made.

Ah sall, sometimes ya just gotta pony up and roll the dice.

Cant get it twice ;)

Sallie is a good egg, he just needs to stop worrying about such trivial things such as the aids. Live your life MAAAAAAAAAAAAAHN

Yeah .... looks around nervously

How would your friend be able to trust that those aren't trannies in the dimly-lit bar?

In Thailand trannies are very open to the fact they are trannys. Most bars are exclusively either trans or woman whore house's. All you have to do is ask if you are unsure. A dead give away is height and hand size tho. Also if you want to go hooker shopping in Thailand I recommend Pattaya over Bangkok, It's a buyers market in Pattaya and the strip clubs put on ping pong shows. I saw a woman shoot a banana 15 feet out her pussy and make it in a basket sitting on my table in Pattaya.

Are any of these gals decent looking? I've been to Bangkok and I've seen the girls standing outside the strip clubs/bars/massage parlors. Can't recall seeing any lookers.

What soi were you at? Soi cowboy and nana plaza were full of beautiful women. But Pattaya generally has not as attractive women(Still hard 7s ) but they are better in as they don't rush and will do more. I went from a handholdless/kissless virgin to having anal and ass to mouth sex in 20 minutes thanks to Pattaya.

I saw a woman shoot a banana 15 feet out her pussy and make it in a basket sitting on my table in Pattaya.

You saw or your "friend" saw?


is the twelve-year-old mature looking?

Nah, shes a babe tho

Mature looking? Yuck. Dont make this weird

It's sexy as hell is what it is!!!

I would do an uncle Paul, but I'm scared the youknowwho may be watching this so I'll just say what would Paul do?

No,I believe that is called a felony,except where Vic Henley's from.They call that courting the bride to be.