Opie is all about those numbers

84  2016-10-30 by suchanjv


Those 5-6k people who listened to his show can't be real

i'm sure most of them accidentally clicked on them thinking they were a jim and sam show ep.

what would be interesting is to see how long the average listener on those videos stay.

I bet a lot are from people having YouTube on auto play and those were next in line.

Not even a big get like Phil Collins can get people listening.

I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual.

They were probably just watching the commercials.

the analytics show its all from 1 neighborhood in Philly

Chester county. There is no way in hell the Philly crew is actually from Philly.

It's odd how his twitter follower number has stayed steady at 367k. The same number for months and months...

They aren't: Opie has so much time before his afternoon show that he can go and keep watching his own video.

Well it's like I always say; how much better it is to strike a match than curse the darkness

You stole that from Joey Pies.

No I came up with it and next thing you know it's on t shirts billboards etc

Name checks out


His wife and kids all have carpal tunnel syndrome from clicking on his vids

Well his wife and son do. His waterhead daughter tries to eat the keyboard.

On top of the carpal tunnel she had from furiously jacking off Bam.

He can't see the comparison there and then not realize what happened. This has to be what makes him realize he was the one nobody cared to hear.

I think the internet made it clear long ago lol almost literally no one likes him. Even the people who dont hate him..arent fans of him. Im sure most of the ppl who clicked on his episodes either wanted to hear it just to be annoyed and shit on it..or they were hoping for some conflict

Or they're fans of his guests. You know, the guests he has on every single show because he can do radio with fawkin anyone. He just needs a bit of time to get his guys in line.

Do I sense a bit of sarcasmzz? I'll have you know BUDDY, management is really liking the direction of the show again

The fucked up part?

He won't stop.

Even if he had 100 views, he would STILL try.

Ever since he heard about VIRAL VIDEOS, he has been on a mission.

Why won't God kill this guy?

Quantity over quality, except for fridays.

This is random..but..the fact that opie has said "make believe" like 6 kabillion gajillion times really bugs me. Why cant that fruit ever use the word "pretend"

Holy fuck I never noticed this. New thing to hate.

It sounds like a bit of reach...but boyy it sure isnt lol. "I'm not gonna make believe it is"

Sony makes great products

Hope ya getta mouth full of potato flakes at work ya silly goose

I think it's clear that his career is over. SXM signed him for one year, and Jim and Sam for two. The man that's been doing radio since he was 18.

He's the Doogie Howser of radio!

WOW......good pull

that really says it ALL doesnt it......about 1/5th the partnership

WORST PART for opie.......most of those "listeners" are likely "HATERS"......tuning to the initial TRAIN WRECK. to simply see HOW BAD it is

You guys just don't get it. He STEERS the SHIP.

Straight into a fuckjing iceberg

the best part is when that channel won't even bother uploading opie radio anymore.

you literally have to pay people to listen to the opester

550,000 views on the Nancy Grace video is totally viral, you hater!!!




Liberal media bias!

Even the show without Jim on it was better than an Opie show

I don't understand how that shit got even that many views.
