Jealous yet, nerds?

22  2016-10-30 by mokhtar_belmokhtar


I hope they have a Jonestown re-enactment.

The people at Jonestown all committed suicide, dude. You must mean something else.


I'm not a waco you're a fucking waco.

wordplay yumour.

Jesus, Chip.

" tsss yeah this cross on my back is heavy or sumpthin amen or sumpthin "

Wow, maybe they'll fire up the karaoke machine, and take turns belting out "Monster Mash".

Ant's crew resemble half the monsters named in that song.

The best was the Halloween 2013 Halloween party. Whoo Kid showed up with his posse thinking it was going to be wild, and it wound up being them dancing with old and fat chicks, and marveling at the karaoke. They broke out a couple of hours in.

I'm not sure if they're still around, but the videos and instagrams from that one were hilarious.

Whoo Kid tours the world and dj'd for people like 50 cent. He went from partying with other rappers to partying with a bunch of geriatrics.

I'm sure brother joe told whoo kid all the crazy stories he has while on tour with his cover band playing in front of 8 people at a time

Dude, they got the edge's permission to cover at DISNEY!!!!

thats amazing.

I actually don't feel jealous at all, it looks rather lame.

Look I'm getting on in years but I gotta say that old people shouldn't be allowed to have parties. It demeans the entire notion.

I'm sure that dude thinks he's the Fonz but he's definitely Squiggy.

Wait, I just realized that might not be a dude.

I thought it was deRosa at first but it's just some other turkey necked, no shoulders having zilch.


I dnt even know who these two fruits are...but I instantly recognized who's house that is. I really am a loser.

Yes, I too recognised it as that house from the Anthony and Dani show.

When you start recognizing cabinets and counter tops of a broadcastazzz home...its time to swallow a slug ya know?

Casa-del-rape turned into an old people's home...

For one magical evening, all of Ant's references will be timely.

Dawn has gone full Sandy Kane.


You drop it we mop it!

Everyone looks like they're in their 70s.

I get it.

I hate how Ant makes everyone dress in references he gets just to make his cultural knowledge feel relevant.

whos the chick thats higher than grandpa?

Old men dressing up is really really creepy

its like I can smell the musty smell coming from the photos, holy shit how autistic can you get, but I am jealous I am not there, it seems like a shit my pants laughing at people kind of event.

People who I'm sure are convinced are light years above Bobo in the social and genetic hierarchy, but are really maybe about 10% higher than him.

Its like the david and bobo show, it was amazing because david resented being paired with bobo without coming to realize that he was the least talented of the 2. It was amazing, how not in on the joke he was.

Nice trenchcoat Ant but it's not really a costume if you're actually a pedophile.

"They shoulda never gave you niggas money!"

Big A has a giant tumor on his shoulder


I almost feel bad for him

The Great Fagsby

God damn, Dawn has some fat tits.


So, you're telling me big A couldn't find a plain white tshirt? I don't think Mel from Mel's diner had access to Mafia in the 70's.


Who/what is that sack of shit creature on the right? Is that a mask or just a severely unlucky loser in the genetic lottery?

Meh. I don't like Ant but that's a cute concept for a party. Let's give credit where it's due.

" tsss yeah this cross on my back is heavy or sumpthin amen or sumpthin "

Look I'm getting on in years but I gotta say that old people shouldn't be allowed to have parties. It demeans the entire notion.