Do you guys ever think that maybe Opie sometimes lies??

8  2016-10-30 by Mr702law

I mean, some of his stuff doesn't add up.


The best Opie lie was when he told the story about him nearly getting raped by a scary black man

He must've got that one from Ant

Fighting guy underwater was great

Shit nugget falling out his pants leg was better imo.

Thanks for bringing this up sir. How does a shit nugget roll out of one's pant leg and onto a porch?

Was that when he had girly long hair and he claims he woke up in the middle of the night and some dude was standing at the foot of his bed staring at him? "What's up, brah?" scared him away.

That one was probably his most believable story.

one of the best lies was caddying for the Mafia which was so fucking lame it made Jimmy jump into the "Chip's in the Mafia" bit

I just realized I gotta keep it vague.

Just a lil bit, just lil bit. Yuck.

link to this?

thanks cutie

Description alone has made me save this for later.

i acually recognized most of it, there's a smaller clip of it in that 2 hour Chip Chipperson compilation.

i'd like to hear more about opie's mafia days that totally happened legit though...has he mentioned that at any other time on air?

I bet his name isn't even Opie.

The Green Day beer story where they begged him to buy them beer in 1994 because they were underage. All three band members were born in 1972, making them 21 or 22 depending on the month.

Plus with Dookie they were big stars, they wouldn't need a random DJ to get them beer.

My favorite is him giving money to a homeless guy whose cake he stomped.

Does the pope shit on the beach?


Kicking over the table of the guy selling stuff at ground zero.


Fighting guy underwater was great

Was that when he had girly long hair and he claims he woke up in the middle of the night and some dude was standing at the foot of his bed staring at him? "What's up, brah?" scared him away.

That one was probably his most believable story.