This may be a dumb question...

0  2016-10-29 by Nezlo_Nuke_Em

I stumbled across the Jay Thomas show on Howard's channel yesterday and they were talking about Jay and Kevin Pollack falling out with Letterman. And then Shuli said that he(Shuli) had a falling out with Sirius XMs own Dennis Falcone. Was that just a joke? or did they actually have a falling out and what could they have possibly fallen out over? ha I can't see Falcone fighting with someone and holding a grudge about it.


Follow your instincts ... it was a dumb question

These are truly the questions that keep me up at night

It had to do with some smart-ass remark Dennis Falcone said to Shuli about wanting his wife to take an asparagus piss right into his open mouth.

Stop being such a nosey Nancy you sound like a middle school girl