I love the new show. Join me in showing support - dicks out for Jim and Sam!

0  2016-10-29 by [deleted]



Nice middle eastern tits you have there bro. Allahu Akbar

You have the nipples of a pregnant Nicaraguan woman.

That penis is fucking awful.

nice peckah

you and your awful body are hilarious dude. Don't let these automatic downvotes deter you from posting your disgusting penis.

I knew what was coming, yet I clicked anyways.

Ladies and gentlemen meet Jim and Sam's third mic

instantly recognizing the penis of a retarded fan of a dead shock jock radio show is really making me consider taking my own life.

wait, is that Bobo?

Who's cock is it? I can only tell the difference by smell

The thumbnail is oddly hypnotizing. It looks like an old frog who has seen some shit taking his final breaths.


Sir, your ardvark has a cold.

Jesus Christ what is that?



So hot.



the thumbnail of this looks like a face

You have aids marks on your thigh, around your knee, and on your arm.

Gotta do those shoulder work outs pal! Showed him what's up, fawk yeah!!!
