Jim and Sam show is terrible

0  2016-10-29 by bry03cobra

Work on the road, in and out of my van doing service calls. Used to pause my radio during jobs to not miss anything. Now I find myself looking forward to 12:00 when Bennington starts. Jim and Sam are rather boring. They need a permanent 3rd mic. Guests have been awful. Opie's show has been far better.


If you subjectively think opies show is better than Jim and Sams you have a mental disability

Opie's show has been far better.


The only "good" Opie show was when Artie carried the entire thing by himself.

Was that even listenable? I didn't bother because I figured Opie ruined the whole thing.

When Opie knows the show is going well, he shuts up and backs away. He's done this during the best Jimmy and Ant segments on O&A countless times before.

Yeah. With Opie out of the picture the hosts are having too much fun joking and making me laugh. This sucks. Opie helped to simmer down the room when things got too zaney. I really miss how he'd repeat other people's punchlines and get uncomfortably sensitive about everything.

There is something not quite right with Jim and Sam..

I love Ron but Bennington has been a snooze fest too

Agree, love Ron. But show was more entertaining with Trainwreck Fez

the show really stinks, tried to check out the colin quinn episode and even he couldn't save it. there's just something about jim and sam, it might that they're just boring. but the show really is ass. its so bad when chip makes an appearance you want him to stick around for the rest of the show

I loved the CQ episode

For the dolts who say Opie's only good show was the one with Artie, that's false. I dislike Opie for many reasons, but I can unbiasedly say he's had a few more entertaining shows than Jim and Sam have had. Overall both shows have been very mediocre, but Jim and Sam's is more disappointing cause of the fact that there's no Opie to blame this time. So what's the excuse for it being shit? Perhaps Jimmy not putting the consistent effort needed (go to sleep rather than edge all night) I also agree that they need a competent & funny third mic cause that's when Jim is at his best, working off another talent. This just proves that the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. Nothing can replicate O&A with J, we just have to live with quantity over quality at this point...P.S. Bennington show is terrible too!

Terribley good!

Uh-oh....... the people that one of the two Morning Bores stole $60k from is going to give you "the business".