A large tongued colored man came to inspect my attic today and I've got the inspection report back

127  2016-10-29 by TakeMeXenu



Almost the exact same joke was posted when Dassabesso took over the sub.


48 upvotes too. Fucks sake.


The unoriginality.

You'll be okay.

When Trump loses can you kill yourself and stream it here? It will be the only funny and original thing you got going for ya.


Reddit karma is serious shit yo.

You dont get reddit karma from text posts either

they changed it few weeks ago, it was a big announcement and all


I never said anything about upvotes shithead. I really don't give a care about how many people click a button. You're the one crying because I said a mean thing about your stupid Reddit post. Also, 'autist'? What are you going to call me next? A cuck? Why are you raging like a faggot because I pointed out a clear case of "parallel thinking"?

It doesn't make his post shit though. He clearly thought of it on his own and apparently plenty of people haven't heard it before and enjoyed it.




Oh lawdy lawdy

Dasatreeonmyhouse tsss

He quoted you a price and you countered with a lower offer and he said


(Yeah I know its a little wordy)


Tell him to take a look at that lump on the tree in the yard, I saw some hornets flying around it yesterday.


He saw a mexican man trimming hedges.


There's the line, haha there it is. Opthony killin' it for us today

Where ya gonna be this weekend?

Tss fawkin home run xenu.

A largely tongued black man came to help my ma with her bed frame.

That was actually funny. Good on ya, kid!

I upvoted just because that irritates people.


This made me laugh a lot.

Wow, I was surprised the direction you went with this

Y'all muthafuckas need Jesus

Dumb as a bag of chisels.

I hope all of you faggots who think dassabesso and tefft are funny words would commit a mass suicide today.



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