The American people can thank us for the renewed Hillary investigation.

26  2016-10-28 by Crackadona

O&A leaked the Weiner pics and started all this shit years ago. They wouldn't have a show without us faggots. So, therefore, we are responsible or sumpthin'....


Finally responsible for something other than antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea

Opie and Anthony always win in the end.

So we're still a long way from the end?

there are many, many ends.

That drunk dago child-bride beater may have changed a presidential election by posting that picture.

When he figures this out he'll cum until his prostate explodes.

Big Amy was just spotted shopping for a condo in Barcelona.


She hates spics doe.

I believe him...




O&A Really are media watchdogs. They bring great honor to the fourth estate.

What happend?

Anthony Cumia needs to be reminded of this to market to InfoWars crowd.

Hillary is still going to get elected though.

Edit: Hanging onto this notion of Hillary being arrested or otherwise disqualified a week and a half before the election is retarded. I don't want her to win but to act like every single poll is wrong, waiting for something yuge to bring her down, thinking the more memes you post the more votes Trump will get, it's all bullshit.

The only positive thing that's going to happen on November 8th is Tranthony and his useless brother each having a mental breakdown.

What are you, an UNfortunate teller?

U Fawkin buried that SHiLLary cont

Maybe, maybe, shell um be elecTORCUTED or sthumpn'. I dunno...

FAWK Yeaaa I'm gonna tell the juge to give dat bitch the chare for her wickyleek n' shittt


Every single poll? I'd honestly just hit you in the face for being such a smug, lying faggot in person, but alas, here we are; you're a disgusting, cocksucking, limp wristed liberal faggot, with no defensible views for our country's benefit, and you should hang yourself from the nearest tree ASAP today.

That will only embolden the Proud Boys and herr Cumia