
18  2016-10-28 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD



I officially challenge him to a fistfight. This time I'm going full force.



Make it an MMA fight and you can promote it on Jim and Sam.

Jumping Jeff farmer?

No, I think repeatedly spamming horseshit is a prefect way to get someone to unban you. At least he proved there is one legitimate autistic on this board.

Prefect? What is he, a head boy or sumtin? Tssss

Tsss what's his name, Percy?

Screw it, I down voted them all. I'm lazy and don't feel like scrolling through pages of this garbage.

I hate this place! Nothing works here. The medications don't work. I've been here for seven years.

nobody ever said that members of this sub are sane, rational people.

I'm a bigger lunatic than most of you, but you don't have to take 90 seconds to scroll through my vendetta posts. My Quality of Life/Broken Windows policing could be preventing a future murder.


Can we shut him up? Ban him? Ignore him? He sucks.

I think it's extremely funny, personally.

He's speaking truth to power and doing important work.

He should have copy/pasted that reply to everyone in this thread, then I'd be a fan


a shitpost calling out shitposters is still a shitpost.

you shitty shitposter.

Ya cant shitpost a shitposter folks