Are there any real known photos of Travis's mom out there?

4  2016-10-28 by [deleted]



She died in labour. This is all a lie to keep Travis from blaming himself after he attempted to kill himself by eating a Torah. He wasn't a well boy.


I had one but it was stolen by a Jew.


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Got-damn 7 days!

Huh. That's going to annoy the shit-posters

Especially that Rogan spammer who said he literally has 15 alts for here. He'll run out quick, I bet.

LOL, it used to be 24, then 48, then I think 72 hours. Not sure what hapoened for it to be 7 days.

That Rogan spammer lol

Oh yeah haha, he's autistic as fuck. Not wrong, just annoying. I was banned once for being mean to SpaceEdge.

Me too. I got a little crazy during the sidebar kerfuffle

Lmao imagine how many accounts he's going to have ready after 7 days. He's going to practically have an army

It's cause of the Rogan guy