Other than eating too much, what is that Nagel kid doing these days?

6  2016-10-28 by Dawgsie

Is he part of Opie's show?


hopefully he`s giving himself a Kurt Cobain haircut

watching the 80's ghostbusters cartoon with a coke float to his left and a Beretta M9 to his right

Erock army nigguh

That revelation really made Erock's stock plummet with me. There are well-written cartoons that hold up and can be enjoyed by adults. The Ghostbusters cartoon is not one of those. Ant nailed it perfectly when he said it was literally just lights and noises for babies.

He's wishing he made better life choices

He said Erock, not Erock's wife.

I hear him occasionally during the Opie and Vic shitstravaganza before I change the channel.

Playing with toys, watching cartoons, not having sex with his wife. Arrested development basically.

He was on mic for about 45 mins yesterday or the day before on Opies shit show cuz no guests were in yet

think its season for truffles

Injecting insulin

I wonder it opie has the balls to trash his last friend, but i don't have the patience to listen and find out.

Not exercising?

Looking painfully bloated: https://i.redd.it/usme236mgjfx.jpg

Working with his mentor /idol /big titted waste of life

I love Nagel, I never understood why he was so loyal to Opie. He would be great on Jim & Sam.

he doesn't like being made fun of for being a lil fat kid anymore, so he's lost all value as a human.

Why do you love him? He sucks.

I love him only insofar as his trashings were probably my favorite bits on the old show.

I dislike him and always have. Go back and listen to when Ian called and dassabesso was mentioned, Opie asked him to bring up the clip and Erock got all pissy cuz this sub makes him look retarded. He didn't say it out loud, but he was hesitant to pull the video up cuz it was from here. He's a fat simpleton.

I agree with you. I've also always disliked him. His fanbase never made any sense to me. His weird combination of laziness and dishonesty is just the worst.

That revelation really made Erock's stock plummet with me. There are well-written cartoons that hold up and can be enjoyed by adults. The Ghostbusters cartoon is not one of those. Ant nailed it perfectly when he said it was literally just lights and noises for babies.