Bennington needs to replay on RawDog before Jim&Sam so I never have to listen to Opie

77  2016-10-28 by SteffenPeffen

I commute from 7:30AM-8AM and 5PM-5:30PM, so the only thing I can listen to on my radio is the Opester. Someone needs to petition Sirius to replay Bennington during at least one of these time slots so I don't drive my car into oncoming traffic. Of course if they did, Opie would never have the balls to go after Ron for undermining his listenership...


the only thing I can listen to on my radio is the Opester.

How about you download a fucking podcast, or listen to some fucking music. Or download the app and listen to a replay. Holy fuckin shit, you weak fuckin shitfaces need your hand held to get you though life.

I was going to say the same thing except in a more constructive way, so I will upvote you, then call the OP a fucking mouthbreathing retard for being so fucking stupid that even you were able to look clever.

Your username is vulgar, I do not like salty language.

PLOT TWIST: This guy watches cable TV in 2016

That's not that bad, lots of people still have cable.

But he definitely has a home phone.

Het an aux cord and listen on youtube

Buy a Sirius and go fuck your mother.

That just wouldnt be productive

Don't forget to flush the XM down the toilet.

Flash your tits on WOW, ya mean.

Do you think Jim gets a cut of the action?

Download show. Listen whenever

Download Bennington on the App and play it on headphones or aux cord.

Just download the app you silly cunt. I listen on demand everyday, it's fuckin saaa-weeeeeeet.

the fact that so many people rely on the actual radio and live schedule still seems so foreign to me, I've literally never once listened any way other than the app.



I went to lunch early this morning and it was on but only went until 6a. If they could push it back or have a bonfire replay on comedy central that would be great


Ellis is a bit of a knob


I'd rather listen to Classic Rewind.






Yeah when I head to work it's opieraqio and go home it's opieraqio . They need to cuck opie harder imo

I wish u had some thing that went into your ear and you always only heard opie. Sherrod episodes too

Opie would never have the balls to go after Ron for undermining his listenership...

Why, what would/could Bennington do about it?

Hes on a different channel, what could Opie do about it











Did Wasabi Tony fell down the chair and everybody can't stop laughing about every sentence?


That's not that bad, lots of people still have cable.

But he definitely has a home phone.