"Welcome back to Jim and Sam show, I'm Sam Roberts, Jim is in Phila..." *click*

142  2016-10-28 by ricswrangler


What, you don't enjoy wrestling meets uninformed political discussion?

Now that you mention this, how can I pass up the forced laugh?

a huh huh huh huh

Sam's forced laughter or your own? Cuz I've noticed that Sam does a shitload of fake laughing on the show.

I pointed this out maybe after the 3rd show. It's an unnatural sounding slow roll of "huh huh huh". Couldn't sound more like polite laughter. Guess that's one of the things he learned from tits

It's the worst fake laughter I've ever heard. He "huh huh"s, pauses, "huh huh huh"s, pauses, "huh". It's so unnatural.

That "huh" laugh feels so awkward in the room. For a bunch of guys that pick up on the tiniest of things none of them say anything about that death rattle laugh.

I am certain it is genuine and completely uncontrolled, it sounds too awful to be intentional



30 what, you black bastard.


That's not fair, I can only drink 12 a day.


Sam is even dumber and less informed than Ant about everything.

I really, really hate it when he tries to be funny, and tell jokes. That's really fucking rough.

Notwithstanding his fucked up life decisions and political fanaticism, Ant is a genuinely smart dude. Jimmy, Opie, and Sam have nothing on him.

At least Anthony watches fox news

Watches Fox news and visits NiggerMania. "I go to all the sites"

Just checked my 'Favorites', hes hitting them all, as far as I can tell

Storm front offers a nice hedge against the levianthanical faux news mahhn

Faux News, maaan

more like dummy news

Why on earth is this downvoted. He gets literally everything wrong, he'll start a topic about some news headline and every detail that comes after it is wrong in some way. It drives me crazy.

I like Sam.

Sam seems like a nice guy, but without Jim or Anthony, his show stinks.

He just doesn't have any interesting thoughts or opinions. He's basically what Opie was supposed to be.

Bullshit. His evenikg show was great

no, it was not.

It wasn't O&A, but it was still entertaining on some level. I think the issue with this sub is that they want Sam to be more of a prick like O&A were, when he's not. His night show was pretty silly where the new show with Jim is genuinely funny.

I don't relate to him one bit and he's not funny. He has nothing to offer when he's by himself.

If you're a 20 year old who likes sneakers or wrestling, I can see you liking it.

I've always liked Sam. Way before I decided to see if there was an O&A subreddit and I was just getting into the show (early 2015, I was pretty late) and didn't realize he was unanimously hated, I enjoyed everything he brought to the studio. Jocktober leg work, harassing erock, all the pot stirring, his overly literal explanations for shit, all of it. I even found him as funny as Jim and Ant sometimes and thought he fit in well. He was also (and still is) very good at taking a joke for the sake of the bit the countless times he got shit on and was always a good sport about it.

I never minded his voice either, maybe because he's the only one on the show that's closest to my age (he's still like six years older than me but since I was listening to couple-years-old shows it matched up better) so maybe I just identified with him more and didn't care about his nasally whininess.

I never cared to listen to his solo show because I don't care for the content, but he's been killing it with Jim. I still listened today even though it was the worst show this week but it's still the best thing to listen to in the morning these days.

He was never unanimously hated on here, just hated in his own house.

I've always liked Sam. Way before I decided to see if there was an O&A subreddit and I was just getting into the show (early 2015, I was pretty late) and didn't realize he was unanimously hated, I enjoyed everything he brought to the studio.

I had the exact same experience. When I first started listening to the show around 2009 and was looking to talk about it online, I was 100% expecting to join others in shitting on Erock. I was shocked when I found out that the entire Internet had the exact opposite opinion: everyone was rallying against Sam in some weird, butt-hurt defense of Prince Nagle.


I Don't... And Honestly, I have no clue why. I mean besides not being entertaining... but that doesn't make me hate him. It very well could be that I hate his face, and every time I hear him talk, I imagine those non-entertaining words coming out of that hateable face?

Admittedly, I feel bad for feeling this way. He doesn't seem like a bad person.

Sam does his job. He is the broadcaster guy. This was Opie's role and he was terrible at it because of his personal issues. Sam seems to be comfortable in his own skin and can roll with the funny people in the room without feeling insecure. Yes, the wrestling nonsense is enraging but I think he is enough of a professional broadcaster to understand this cannot overtake the show. In fact, Sam will probably be less self-indulgent and disciplined that way than will Jimmy will be with with his UFC and tranny stuff.


well theres a clear divide on the sub but the pro Sam group is currently stronger. I canĀ“t get over how disguting he looks.

Yeah, I know I'm in the minority but me too

He's a company man through and through, the sort of guy that laughs at all the boss's jokes.

i like him...to a point, but jim and Anthony would be much better and an equally funny third mic would be the best


Sam fucking stinks.

My only complaint with Sam is that 100% of the time he's saying something, he's trying to find an angle. He won't let his guard down for 2 seconds and it gets a little grating.

Imagine being an intern at a place that cuts you up at every single moment. Additionally, imagine working at a place where strangers on the internet critique and trash every single second of your life.

I don't blame that queeb for keeping his guard up, it's all he's ever known.

Yeah but it's not like he want on the other side of that...if anybody deserves a solid trashing it's this piece of garbage

You know where he learned that - Ggreggory Hughes.

Yes, more traits learned from his radio daddy, Opie


The last half hour or so that includes impressions of Travis' Mom is some of the funniest shit they've done yet.

Bob Kelly is even worse than Sam. His Arabic pronunciation of common English words makes me angry.

Fuck that guy must hate his parents. Given too much HGH to make him taller, that's why he has that deformed head. it's actually the physical traits of gigantism due to drug overuse

Mangled dick and low test, God didn't want that one to breed.

His cock hole was nearly completely sealed off. God didn't want to take any risks of Sam seed spilling out of there, even at the expense of piss.

Much to Lord Denny's dismay.

He'll be honored to die of a compressed brain due to an imploding skull, just like Andre the Giant.

Bald and Balder in the Morning

He really is tough to look at. His poor wife has to look at that grotesque mug as he mounts her. His cum face must be truly frightening.

Hahaha, you actually think he mounts her? He just sits there and lets her climb on and do whatever, he never looks down or touches, he just waits for it to be over. He just stares at the ceiling laying there, pretending he's losing the pinfall in a WrestleMania match


I like Sam alright, but that's generally my reaction as well when Mr. Norden is out.


He literally has some of the worst hair I've ever seen on any human being. Poor bastard.

Sammy, shave your head. You'll look cooler.

the heartbreaking thing is, he wouldn't look better

This was exactly me at 8:05am.

Fuck, here I am looking forward to a Friday morning show only to forget that Jim can't be bothered to do Fridays. Just gonna listen to yesterday's show again

It's hilarious.

I'll give it a shot.

Spot on, sir.

Haha I did the same thing. Last week too.

Cant tell if this one is photoshopped or not

I felt like doing that too, but it was fine. Wasn't super hilarious, but it didn't make me want to shove an awl into my ears like Opie's show does.

Love Sam but that "WITH" has never been more important to me.


Does he have gigantism

Yes, but apparently it only affects the forehead region.

He literally has Ron Pearlman's entire mouth structure.

What the hell did his mother fuck?

It's from his childhood HGH treatments

A Nimmy? A Nommy? A Norton? What the fuck do you call a No-Norton show?

Naga...naga...not gonna listen to it anyway


tss why don't ya tell us how ya really feel










really love to shit on sam but the guest on this show were way better then i thought when i read them

Seriously: WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH HIS HAIR. There is no fucking way the kid is any less than an octoroon; he even has that "high-yellow" skin tone. He's the reason I don't trust DNA tests.

Sam is a good egg.

Sam it's your voice and cuck demeanor that makes us hate












I didn't mind Bubba Ray.

This show stinks, and I am gay.


Thats the answer

Sam has the enthusiasm of a go getter, i'd have his solo show over jims any time. Jim doesnt prep, Sam loses sleep over prep.

Tsss you mean prepping the bull? TSSSSSSSSS


I listen either way. It's called not being a spiteful cunt and supporting something you claim to be a fan of.




I'm so fucking angry that you retards made this happen. Now I get the fucking SAM ROBERTS show every morning. Fuck you. I hate byou. I hate sam roberts. I can't listen to a prepubescent monkey talk about his boring ass life and his stupid opinions.

It's alright mate some of us are on the hate train early but eventually the rest of the sub will come around.

I hope you're right. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when people say he's good at radio.

The Tit and Tongue Show w/Hick is MUCH, MUCH worse. At least Sam solo is listenable.

no he isnt. the show will fail.

Now that you mention this, how can I pass up the forced laugh?

Sam is even dumber and less informed than Ant about everything.

I really, really hate it when he tries to be funny, and tell jokes. That's really fucking rough.

