Sam is a better lone broadcaster than anyone.

6  2016-10-28 by buckspudly

Sam's alone and holding an engaging show while Opie desperately shovels in cellar urchins and Ant flounders with '20s references every day. He deserved Opie's seat.


Besides you, are there many other Sam fans in the deaf community?

Hes watchin vine videos... on the radio 😳

They've always watched videos on the radio.

Yes, but not 6 second video clips that aren't funny, and don't make sense even when your watchin them

Yeah, they actually did that too.

No they didn't, I'm right, your wrong, no come backs, downvoted

Oh yeah? Well I downvoted YOU, fuckface.

What part of 'no comebacks' did you not understand?

Fuck you, downvoted.

I just made some cinnamon rolls, you boys ready to make up and enjoy a pastry?

Upvoted for tasty jism treats.

I'll be glad when all the Sam ballwashing is done here. Being better than Tits doesn't make you good. He's average at best, and his best is a low percentage.

I don't like the Sam solo shows. But yeah i reckon its better than Opie or Anthonys solo efforts.

Sam has broadcasting skills and all, but lets pump the brakes a lil' there buddy.

Strange. I was expecting an 'AprEhL fAHlLs'

I'll give him some credit: he does do show-prep. That's especially important when broadcasting by yourself or with a constant revolving door of guests. Both O&A got dependent on the dynamic they had with all three of them, Sam, Erock, Danny, Mars, Dennis, etc to shit on when things got slow. Now that they have to pull their own weight they're caught off guard.

Still, Sam sucks overall.

Long time Sam lover here, been listening to srs since 18 years old

Sam is the shiznit.