Why was Larry banned?

2  2016-10-28 by wondrouswalnut

Caller named Larry called in this morning and was told he was banned?


He doesn't like Jimmy, so Jimmy banned him

Apparently, he used to call into Sam's show, but a couple days ago he called in and only said, hi, to Sam, then when Jim asked him what's up he said he wasn't a fan of Jim. Jim then hung up on him and banned him. I couldn't tell if Jim was joking, or genuinely being a fag.

Edit: Jim just private messaged me his take on it.

He's super religious and shitty. I'm glad he's banned

If its the same Larry that used to call in all the time Im glad that finally got banned. Or was it Chuck, I used to confuse those two idiots.

Either way I hope they are both dead.

Chuck was Opie's go-to redneck. Which if I remember correctly his first call into the show was pretty funny, whoever the guest was, or whatever he said came off as racist/ignorant/stupid, but the timing made it funny. Opie (the student of comedy) did not understand this so he started taking 20 minute phone calls from Chuck every other day, he was basically 3rd mic and we heard his entire shitty life story. Opie ran the bit into the ground, and I realized Opie and Jim were never going to get better if Opie was involved in any capacity so I tapped out entirely.

On a recent J&S, Sam went to a Chuck on the phones, and when he started talking without an accent, Jim let out a "Phew."

All callers should be banned.

And forcibly pegged

I called the hotline and was told I was banned.

Didn't you call in to Opie once and kenny starter yelling at you?

More REAL Jimmy.

Such is life, there are bad Larrys and there are SEXY Larrys.

As a connoisseur of all things sexy, you're application is still being reviewed...

Ium suh sexay!

Larry is a fucking queer

Larry and Chuck are both awful Chuck at least gets mad when someone makes fun of his high-pitched redneck doofus accent, so that's entertaining.

Larry is a pseudo-intellectual idiot. Good riddance.

Jimmy is a thin skinned faggot,that's why

So, if Jimmy is being serious and this guy is legit banned, then anyone who is still a fan of his is a fucking cunt. This is the guy who starts subreddit thread about "any of you could have called in" and about how anonymous Online commenters are cowards and use their real names. A guy who is know to the other host calls, uses his real name, voice and phone number, and tells Jimmy he is not a fan and Jimmy bans him? The same guy who talks about how honest he is and how dis-honest EVERYONE else is. Larry, like every other caller EVER, sucks and is awful. BUT, if he is really banned because the $60,000 Fugitive, baby-Boy Cunt does not like being told he does not have the guy as a fan, then Jimmy can not have credibility on anything else again, ever.


You're gonna find your dog DEAD in the hallway, Larry...


Is this your homework, Larry.

haha. That made me laugh!