Never forget

97  2016-10-28 by brianwantsblood


I think she meant SUPPER GIRL.


Supergirl... Was on TV from never to never

"letterman because his show was just so much cooler. our house was a letterman house. actually letterwoman i liked more. i watcher letterwoman more than anything."

ME: sniff I've been doing this long enough to know that's the line. sniff

above all else, REAL

(((F A T C U N T)))









I can't think of anything Supergirl was in or a part of, I don't even know what she looks like. Supergirl is irrelevant, she's not even an ancillary character.

Helen Slater played Supergirl in a movie that no one saw and bombed horribly. There was no Supergirl TV show. Amy lies like Opie.

There's a Supergirl TV show /now/ but not when this fat piggy was growing up.

There was an 80's Supergirl movie between the third and fourth Superman movies. It was shit.

I believe it is one of the greatest pieces of art of our time.

it's slightly worse than that old Captain America movie where he carjacks the elderly

Where does it rank against the Fantastic Four movie from Arrested Development?

Her anterior motive is almost so transparent that if i didn't know she was a talentless wad of shit i would assume it was done ironically

In 5 years when sjws and pc aint a thing, this will have been a character.



Ehhh, you take your anterior posterior ulterior exterior interior inferior superior and sketch em right down in your yellow legal pad, all i need is a container of coffee a danish treat and a hard hat, im workin

no time for eriors on the jobsite, let the millionaires worry about that stuff it ain't comin outta my pocket, what do i know

Women are funny, dude. Face it.

Smart and Funny

...and brave.

Why didn't she just say Wonder Woman? That show actually was fairly popular in it's day. She wouldn't have to lie about watching some piece of shit 80's movie that was a notorious flop at the box-office.

Although I do like that Empire left in the full quote instead of editing it to make her look less like a flake.

It was on in the 70s, I don't think she's old enough to remember it.

You know fatso wants to reboot that in the worst way,

Yeah, and instead of an S it'll be a V for vagina because girls have vaginas and if you're a strong and empowered woman with a lot of opinions, you only talk about vaginas.

she couldn't get off the ground even with superpowers

It's actually on the air right now.

"I watched that movie where Faye Dunaway plays a witch from space that wants a construction worker to fall in love with her more than anything"

Catwoman, because her world was just so much cooler. Our house was a Catwoman house. Actually, Catman I liked more. I watched Catman more than anything.

Actually no wait Black Panther we watched the most.. wait no the one with the cripple and the blind guy yeah X men

did "supergirl" even exist when we were kids?

The movie with Christian Slater's sister came out in '84, the characters been around since the '50s.

She's not his sister, they just happen to have the same surname and played siblings in a movie.

Well then, I'll just go fuck myself, sir.

huh I never heard of that movie when I was a kid...somehow I doubt Amy did either

In fairness, it WAS garbage. Even casting Peter O'Toole wasn't enough.

She is so transparently leeching off this SJW wave, she doesn't give a fuck about them. No wonder they are turning on her.

She is Opie with a smelly cunt.

So, Opie

Except she won't go anywhere near Opie now that she's rich and shiznit

Our house was a Hangin' With Mr. Cooper house.

"Actually, Hangin' With Mrs. Cooper."

Funny how many Jews are attracted to that archetype.

(((Clark Kent)))


"Actually in elementary school, when we were learning about astronomy, my favorite part was when we learned about black holes. The universe really needs more black holes, when you think about it."

Dark matter matters.


So her family prefered to watched the 4.3/10 imdb score shit movie with Helen Slater who plays superman's cousin. Fuck her.

I'll have the soup.



Wow dude. You need help. And I say that as someone actually certifiable.






SO fucking brave


She's close to that at least, she's a Super Sized Girl.



She looks like a greasy burrito de puerco.











She has the arms of a middle-aged plumber.

You can see the moment she realized she forgot about her pandering agenda. Wow.

Super Pig.

TFW you forgot to run something through your Narrative Filter before saying it.

You obviously have an inherent hatred and bias towards successful women to post such an attack on this sweet lady.






Fucking indecisive lying females.

ME: sniff I've been doing this long enough to know that's the line. sniff

I believe it is one of the greatest pieces of art of our time.

it's slightly worse than that old Captain America movie where he carjacks the elderly