I tried looking at a thread somewhere else on Reddit for the first time in a while and was immediately reminded why I stopped going there.

36  2016-10-28 by NortheastPhilly


The rest of reddit is like watching a laugh track sitcom. It's just shitty joke after shitty pun after shitty meme with some social commentary sprinkled on top.

Closer to the laugh track itself than the hypothetical show.

The worst part about other parts of reddit is how these faggots pretend to be nice to eachother they sound like gays or women

I hate the term, but "virtue signaling" is a real thing and it's fucking disgusting.

If you have to show the world how nice you are then you're actually really shitty.



I imagine that must be how the Philly Crew sounds when they start riffin' over grapefruit beers


"Hey OP, was this filmed with a POTATO?!"

TIL my autistic cat is voting for Hillary so I made him a little sweater! How did I do, reddit?

Worst are the faggota who has to whiteknight that psycho bitch, same with the Trump faggots. Just be God damn honest, people want Trump for a goof and others vote Hillary because they don't like goofs. Anyone actually defending these shit nominees must be retarded.

for a goof

i guess it does boil down to a "fuck you" goof

Yeah pretty much, I don't blame people for it either. Clinton is a peza garbage, I would rather have seen a strong Republican independent from the GOP without the religous cocksuckery. Trump is a joke and not even close to that, but he is all people have to go against Hillary

fucking yuck

"Username checks out" LOL

Can confirm: Am faggot redditor

Edit: Thanks for gold, kind cum guzzler!

I fucking hate people who type "FTFY". It's just so fucking condescending.

I had to look that up. In the process I discovered an equally douchy QFT

Ugh, I just looked it up.



Don't you just love when someone makes a reference to a movie, and this faggot site has to copy and paste the entire script into a string of comments so that we know you caught the reference too? The Wire is a great show, but I cringe at the thought of it because of this site.

Home run /r/askreddit! Those sawk cuckahs are fawkin clever.

so many clever and funny people


Jesus, and I though we had some shit posters here.

Those circle-jerk chains of comments happen here, too. We need to start banning the practice.

its hard to avoid with the nature of the upvote reward system. Thats why I miss vBulletin. You were forced to read everyone's replies in order of submission but it created a real community.

please add a trigger warning before linking such offensive content

Oh man I totally laughed more than I should have!

Its funny if you see any joke or comment that is in any slight way not fully pc it will get the whole speil about how its not funny...yet THIS is the type of shit they find funny? How fucking awful

Lame faggots

North east philly is a shit hole.

I blame the n people


This is what happens when you type like you do here in another subreddit. (rage warning)


I thought it'd be safe because it was the norm macdonald sub, but nah.

let's not pretend Chip jokes are much better

This sub is 90% chip jokes.

Why are you here

I think he's here for the merriment

tss i'm here for da chips

