How do you faggots not commit suicide?

0  2016-10-27 by OnlyFagsUseReddit

Seriously, I have never seen such a collection of dumb, worthless, unfunny, autistic faggots all in one place in all my years on the Internet. How do you anal cum dumpsters have the gall to even wake up in the morning, know how utterly valueless your lives are?


Knowing that there are pieces of shit like you that are worse than me in this world helps me get out of bed and take a runny shit without bringing a knife with me.

Username checks out.

Get a load of this 'mo. Made a alt 2 days ago and sat on it for 48 hours to give us a tongue lashing, but were autistic?

In his defense, he's been busy the past two days doing an afternoon radio show.

It's the end of the month... the crazies would rather shitpost than go to CVS to pick up their new prescriptions.

Meds are for yuppies

You string together enough months of getting them 3 days early and you start to get them on the first week of the month.

I reckon this is someone who got their feelings hurt on this sub at some point.

I work at panera, my life has plenty of value. good day sir.

No, it doesn't. Faggot.

thats some salty speech sir. you seem stressed. whats wrong?

What would be hilarious is if you post all this shit under onlyfagsusereddit 1 and 2 while waiting to perform complex brain surgury on a cancer kid

You go into a waiting room and assure the family with your kind words and promise to do your very best... then before you scrub up you say we suck and visit r/boltedontits

Incoherent. Try again, faggot.

I still think youre a hero

Try practicing reading tho

It's a daily struggle, the only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I still have so much left to give.

I wake up everyday with a smile on my lips and a song in my heart. I then get up and look out at the world as the day dawns and it lifts me up to know that the world is once again full of light and new possibilities. I then set about spending the day making sure that my fellow human beings are all happy and healthy and enjoying their life. Before I go to the bed I read the bible and say a prayer and rest my head on my pillow hoping that I have made the world just a little bit better.

Lol fag

You seem lost my son. Perhaps you'd like to come to bible study with me this week? We can hold a prayer circle for you and everyone at bible study will enfold you in their loving arms and pray for God to grant you his mercy and kindness. It will change your life I promise you.

Are you Dave Smith? Youre rather longwinded, in general, it seems.

I told you dad, the firing pin is bent

how edgy

I have a strange feeling you're the Joe Rogan spammer.

So far he's the craziest one yet

That strange feeling is the unresolved urge you have for anal penetration.

Unresolved? He's not a pussy like you. Saving all his emotion for a defunct radio show forum. Hey speak for yourself spinuch!

I don't know...I just kind of keep on going, you know? There's no real reason why I'm not ending it now...other than the obligatory "upset friends and family." But even taking that into consideration, that doesn't really even matter in the scheme of things.

I guess you could say it's cowardice but I think I'll have plenty of time to not exist so I might as well yuck it up for now.

That's the way I see it. Life is just so unbelievably short there's really no reason to commit suicide. The end is inevitable, and it's coming, closer and closer every day.

Deep bro


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Hi Joe

I hope you die in a magnesium fire.


I dont see it dude. You have the problem. Move along now.




ME: Leave it alone

"in all my years on the internet." congrats..?

Even though the movie sucks I paid for the ticket and goddammit I'm sitting through this thing until the credits roll.

Duh, because anal cum dumpster faggots don't have the balls to go through with it. My only hope is an accidental OD

Yeah I feel that

Bet you do. Your dad can't hurt you anymore.

Okay, what I said above doesn't apply to you. You're cool.

Haha you're representing yourself as a pretty huge faggot here

My dad really is a complete pile of shit. Miserable, vindictive, spiteful, abusive. It's fine now that in closing in on 30, but when you're a kid, how can you have any self-esteem when your own father demeans you. You know what I'm saying?

Aw, we're funny.


This lady seems pissed at you guys. Better stop calling her fat all the time.

So far I have succeeded everyday


It's a race to see if you or stinks dies first.

Ive started injecting a mixture of robitussin, horse worming pills, and chanel #5 into my eyeball. I need to do that just to feel normal enough to do real drugs.

You seem nice.

That's Lord faggot,you peasant.