Chip Roboterson

84  2016-10-27 by EskimoEscrow


Chip Roboterson and the travis mom stuff with Sam asking "Do you remember what her voice sounds like?" was great. It really is the best show we've had since 2014

I've been listening every day for a week now and have smiled many a time since. It's probably the closest humor to old school O and A we've had.

Today's show starting with Jimmy's Bill Clinton impression and Bawbi reacting to Chip Roboterson made me grin like a wide eyed faggot as I walked my dog.

I don't think I've ever found a variation of Chip that I didnt find fawkin HALAREOUS.

Chip DeNiros a good one

Chip Waldman is my all-time fav

Is there a compilation out there of Chip-as-somebody-else? Because I'd enjoy the fuck out of that

lil chippy D

What about cartoon errrr animated chip?


My eyes were doing this crazy thing listening to this episode - They were wide open as I was in shock, I was actually listening to something that was making me laugh!!

Sock cuckah!

"I dunno how come you aren't on a Docta Seuss covah or some shiznit hnkkkkkkk"

Jim just can't stop reading this sub

This is fantastic. FUCK. YEAH.

ya herd wut i said?

I can't stop saying this

That was pretty funny, I just wish we could have heard a couple of phone calls in the middle of it. :(

does not compute and shit. fucking wow

60 minutes? They should just call it....hour.

Chip Roboterson must continue to make appearances. That was some of the funniest Chip shit I've heard in years. "60 minutes why not call it 1 hour or somethin."

"Ever notice when you stick your finger in a robots pussy it smells like metal?"

Jim seems to be much happier and funnier when Bobby is around. God that was great shit today.

I hope his battery dies.

When chip said I'm made out of metal so I'm heavy I was HOWLING

I can't stop saying this