Opie will kiss the ass of anyone within Sterns universe

37  2016-10-27 by TheScarletR


Opie keeps saying isn't it strange that Stern's leftovers keep doing our show? No, Opie, it's not strange that rejects with nowhere to go do your show. If you're no longer good enough for morning drive, you do Stern's Sloppy Seconds in the afternoon.

Does Gilbert still do Stern?

I don't think so, but Gilbert has his own podcast now.

And it's great

Its ALWAYS self-serving with this cretin.

He's like Bobo without all the intelligence

Damn! Artie looks awful. Opie sucks.

He looks like The Penguin's lesbo aunt

He looks EXACTLY like John Belushi if he were still alive today.

He does it because he thinks Howard might notice. He doesn't.

That's because he's an ass.


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Ha ha, you hyper-relevant ass

There used to be a bunch of old TACN footage on a Livestream account about a year ago and there was a pilot for Jackie's Joke Hunt on there.Not even Ant went as low as to pick that show up for more episodes. It was terrible. I can't find that page anymore they probably deleted it all

Youre like an O&A historian.

My parents would be proud

Remember Opie's pretty much entire career when he pretended to not have been a fan of Stern's show?


It's funny because Opie won't even listen or pay to listen. He'll get one of this "insiders" to do it

I doubt he'll even do that. He'll expect Artie to recap the whole thing next time hes on.

Funny that he's ALL IN with the Artie and the Jackie, but won't invite Stuttering John back

Jackie is annoying.

Who is "us"? You on your own, homeboy.

Artie looks like a fucking tranny in that pic.

Jackie looks great for being close to 70. He won't give Opie anything, Jackie won't really get into anything Stern related in a nasty way. Opie also doesn't have the chops to use Jackie right. Ron is usually good with him, because he has a comedy base, and digs Jackie's old stories.

Gilbert will needle Stern a bit, but won't go after him hard. Also Opie doesn't have the humor to let Gilbert do his thing. Could you imagine "Dracula Gottfried" with Opie :/ ? He'd step all over it.

Artie and Stuttering John are the only big Stern names that will give Opie what he wants, and it still won't doing anything for him, because Stern won't take the bait, and mention him by name.

Howie will make Opie the overnight guy if he keeps this up

Jesus, Artie aged horribly.

Gilbert and Artie busting on the devolved Scientology Stern will be historic. This must not happen anywhere near Opie the fat titty fisherboy.

Artie and Jackie both look hideous. How have they managed to hang on so long?

People saying Artie looks awful are true, but this is him looking not too bad compared to some of the pictures he posts. He goes back and forth in pictures between all gaunt/strung out/sleepless to something resembling what an aging Stern show artie would look like.

Not too bad here: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cvp93s8W8AArlNi.jpg

aaaand here he is cursed: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CuyDtz-WgAAq3qT.jpg

If he'd just get that hair under control he'd be okay

"I hope you washed your ahss today; it's about to be kissed by a king!"

You think opie actually subscribes to Artie s podcast

Jackie was just on NYC Crime Report. Great episode.

You follow @OpieRadio? lol. Hate but follow on Twitter.
