8:15am: (hack lazy Bill Clinton voice) "I WANNA EAT APPLE PIE OUTTA MELANIA TRUMPS VAGINA!!"

0  2016-10-27 by ReDMeridiaN

Between Jim's antifunny Bill Clinton lines and Sam's shrill forced laughter, I'm getting a splitting headache and a irreparable sour mood before I even left for work.


before I left for work

You can't suck dicks at home?

Jimmy has been all-in with the anti-comedy. I greatly prefer comedy-comedy, but that's just me.

y don't you just get zooted or summin before work and then you;ll just rock out..... ddvdvvdvdvdvdv

"Where the cheese at?"

They played some clip and even Bobby Kelly said "What the fuck is this?" Awful

Sounds like you just need some Geritol. #tefftology #skanktefft45ohrsomthin

get in a car rape accident on the way back.

Just wait for the tett to save the day bruh