What podcast apps do you guys use?

0  2016-10-27 by TheScarletR

I use Player FM but its kind of slow to update, any recommendations?


Hey posts about Joe Rogan are off topic according to Space "Cock Queen" u/SpaceEdge, so this must be too right?

What say you up for some more pointless deleting, u/SpaceEdge?

He also loves to delete posts about Carl teen machine, otherwise he's cool

He sounds like a faggot, I am pretty sure this sub can decide what it likes and what it does not like pretty effectively. I dont see why we need this fag mucking up the works.

Podcast Republic

Podkicker works great. Not sure if it's on iTunes though


Podcast addict on android.

BTW, suck my sausage.

BeyondPod for me

Lol I remember using that on win mo, takes them forever to push out an update

Android or iOS? If you want to sync progress on every device use pocketcast, if you are on ios use overcast or rss radio player


Downcast on iPhone

Downcast is great

kill yourself