People like this is why whoever you want to win the election will lose.

15  2016-10-26 by Dennyislife


Lol one response says "Do you suffer from low T?"

It was nice of Opie to take a photo with him to put as his profile picture.

I just looked at Opie's twitter. He's tweeted 47 fucking times today. What is wrong with him?

he's reinventing himself

he looks just as much lesbian as vic does

I don't think I like Steve that much.

What a circle jerk of fame-starved losers this has become. Just a menagerie of pathetic, self-congratulating stiffs poorly feigning talent.

Why is it that all of these people that "love" Opie always have like 30 or less followers? Hmmmm!!!


Look at all of his tweets. He is a troll.

The fact he's wearing two "cause bracelets" tells me all I have to know.

I'd like to nominate this for thread title of the year

One of his 28 followers is Sherrod. peckas