Jim Norton & Sam Roberts - Ron Bennington, Sebastian, Dennis Falcone (10/26/2016)

17  2016-10-26 by [deleted]



He buddy it's private

The video is private, asshole.


Don't give that guy the gold. I want da gold. Gimme da gold.

Stop teasing me.

Here's another version that isn't private. And yes I do expect Reddit Gold for this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dv6CVAGhR1s

Goddamn basketball shot...

This comment is actually the reason I knw it wasn't and clicked.

saint on eart

Jimmy was funny 2 days ago

I don't know if you know this or not, but the video is private.

Private whatd are ya tryin to hide your cawk or sumthin tss

bat man ive got jokes to tell

Does anyone remember what show it was where opie talked about the dinner with wiki and ron b? Where he couldn't have been more of a douche and acted like he never heard of the chef? Bourdain i think it was.

I was watching this earlier then they made it private and it booted me, cocksuckers.

heres another link to it.

I was listening to this earlier and then went I went back to finish I couldn't. Fascinating little story I know, I just wanted to share. Somebody else put up a two part version but it seems like it's a little incomplete.
