I feel bad for 59 year old Vos and his lack of any actual acclaim or success so here's his new album. Go buy it so he can still eat

45  2016-10-26 by tortoiseboy52


now im stealing it and will never listen to it.

Put up a copy on mega for the rest of us degenerates

liar, like anyone would ever bother uploading a Vos torrent.

"RICH VOS FIVE", now that says comedy.

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Whats Vos gotta do to get a little bit of that jewish conspiracy bump?

Work a bar mitzvah instead of a clam bar

Maybe he should write a joke once in a while.

I like his Greek diner font.


There's a bit on "Brushhle Shproutshh"

I'd rather Bonnie make more money than him. Keeps him in his place.

Good news:
He can draw Social Security soon.

Bad news:

He will never be able to pronounce Social Security in an intelligible manner.

I imagine that Vos plug I posted sold a few copies. I'm getting a taste, of course. Just a taste.


I'd rather buy two cups of coffee.

Why is RICH VOS at an angle?


How the fuck did this get on itunes?

He should stay home like a good wife while Bonnie brings in the cash

Fuck him, he should of been more funny then he would've been more successful.

You seem to be forgetting his documentary, "Woman Aren't Funny".

Thank goodness you posted this. Rich was pretty adamant that it was only available on iTunes, and since I buy most of my digital downloads from Amazon.com, I thought I would never hear it.

Rich shmich, I just wanna fuck Bonnie.


who the hell buys comedy. Do you laugh harder the second time?

Didn't he already title a CD with his IQ?

He can always sell his daughters snatch for food, Ant will pay a premium for prima nocta.

His oldest got the prima nogta if I'm not mistaken