Rumor has it Opie directs the interns to refill the guest water bottles in the bathroom sinks rather than buy new ones

45  2016-10-26 by brothermanbrotherman



Specifically the sink Lady Di vomited in.



Oh I keeps in 100 up in here

Opie now has the time to listen to Howard live to copy everything he does rather then have to listen at a later time. Claims not to have listened in years yet knows every aspect of his show whenever anything about Howard is brought up. I hope he looses all his money because this is his last year. No one else would be stupid enough to give him another contract after the shit he's been putting on in the afternoon.

Rich Vos told a story on "my wife hated me" about spending the weekend at Opie's beach house or something. They left to go pick something up and when Opie turned on his car, Howard Stern started playing. He made this "ahhh what the fuck is this" kinda statement and tried to pretend he had no idea why it was already on Howard's station

Opie is stupid

That was the car ride on the way to the store to get ketchup, where multi-millionaire Opie chose the generic store brand instead of Heinz to save 18 cents.

He may have saved 18 cents, but he also gained an hour of radio.

And that's how you executive produce

Can you blame him? Medium-rare steak just isn't the same without it.

We could all learn from Opie. Thanks to him I now know to put bbq sauce on my steaks before I grill them.

Remember the time before that when he talked about grilling burgers and just POURING BBQ SAUCE ON THE BURGERS WHILE THEY WERE ON THE GRILL and Roland and Erock making fun of him?

So he dubbed them the "Food Pigs". The one time Roland got made fun of on the show was because Opie was insecure about his total lack of awareness on how to do anything in the fucking world.

I believe it was steak that he did that with, which is so much worse. Putting a thin layer of bbq sauce on a burger right before its done on the grill can come out pretty great if you do it right...but glopping on BBQ sauce on a steak before grilling it is just unforgivable.

Is that the same weekend that he slathered shitty barbeque sauce all over his steaks?

Bam must have been fiddling with the radio.

Opie being indignant about that presumably 5 minutes after watching a flock of seagulls eat his turd on the beach.

Imagine if Opie was telling the truth and it was his wife who was listening to Stern.

How people fuck up "lose" and "loose" is inexplicable.

i don't understand this at all. it's fucking everywhere and almost no one knows the difference and it's infuriating. dumb assholes.

Dassabesso That's the best, though.

Say lo. Now say loo. Now say lose.

This excuse is two retarded. To different sounds is no excuse. Learn too spell.

True, but I didn't say it was an excuse, just not inexplicable.

I watched the Artie video last night and it was amazing how fast Opie said that they don't call Gary The Retard by that name anymore, they call him Gary The Conqueror now. For someone that NEVER listens to Stern he certainly knows his Wack Pack trivia.

TBF that story made its way here (which Opie reads daily) where we all called Howard a PC faggot and a Howard fan claimed he was actually mocking PCness with the name.

Woudnt surprise me if Opie was a moderator on several Stern fansites and a prolific contributor to his wikipage.


Opie listens to the Stern show while muttering the phrase "Love me daddy..."

Do you think Opie still legit thinks he's better than Howard? I think he has probably become self aware of his shortcomings recently but will never admit it.

Tards never develop self awareness. If they did they'd all kill themselves.

Pretty ironic coming from you, bonniesretardsister.

Is it

Is it

Is it


What... in the world...?

Is it

Is it

Is it

Is it


Ugh, I don't even drink water from my own bathroom sink. Just seems wrong.

The bathroom sink is generally the filthiest place in a home, so that's probably smart. All kinds of nasty shit gets splashed around in there between brushing teeth and shaving.

Yeah I usually fill up the sink then drink out of that pool of water rather than just drinking from the faucet.


I thought Vic Henley had the same thermos Cregg Schinkle does.

(It's a thermos full of cum, linger longer or just think of a typical Jimmy joke.)




Whoa Nigga Do You Really Expect Me To Read All That Shit By You


What kind of job let's you only suck big black dick, does it come with benifits?

What a backstory, I got into the nuances of the cousin relationships

down you go. threads like this is what happens when J&S don't save your pathetic lives with their new show. desperation.

What are you getting at?

I watched the Artie video last night and it was amazing how fast Opie said that they don't call Gary The Retard by that name anymore, they call him Gary The Conqueror now. For someone that NEVER listens to Stern he certainly knows his Wack Pack trivia.

Rich Vos told a story on "my wife hated me" about spending the weekend at Opie's beach house or something. They left to go pick something up and when Opie turned on his car, Howard Stern started playing. He made this "ahhh what the fuck is this" kinda statement and tried to pretend he had no idea why it was already on Howard's station

Opie is stupid

Tards never develop self awareness. If they did they'd all kill themselves.

That was the car ride on the way to the store to get ketchup, where multi-millionaire Opie chose the generic store brand instead of Heinz to save 18 cents.

How people fuck up "lose" and "loose" is inexplicable.

Opie being indignant about that presumably 5 minutes after watching a flock of seagulls eat his turd on the beach.

Imagine if Opie was telling the truth and it was his wife who was listening to Stern.

Bam must have been fiddling with the radio.

We could all learn from Opie. Thanks to him I now know to put bbq sauce on my steaks before I grill them.