r/BillBurr isn't happy we're making fun of Nia

37  2016-10-26 by justneedtologin


They are almost creepily devoted to Bill. Not even the slightest criticism of him is entertained over there.


Shit there's some dopes in that place. I like the guy who gave you the definition of gypsy but ignored that the context was basically "fuck gypsies".

"I'm such a Gemini" made me laugh.

Also OP everyone outside of this sub and the MDE sub are retards never forget that.

I used to chef in a pub near a gypsy site.. they are horrible, awful people who you stay the fuck away from

"Chef" is not a verb.

I hate how on those cooking shows people have to call the guy yelling at them "Chef" i.e. Chef Ramsay, like chef is equivalent to a doctor that it becomes a title, rather than just saying "Calm your tits there, Gordo".

But it is a title. It means "head of the kitchen". What bugs me is when a linecook refers to himself as a chef.

And Chartered Engineer is also a title but you wouldn't call your colleague "Charted Engineer McGee". The same applies to many other professions.

If you are in a military setting I'd understand but some gimp working in a restaurant kitchen can fuck off.

TV treats chefs with too much respect.

Young chefs are the worst, they think it's all about being creative and artistic with food.. when in reality, it's about constant repetition in hot, cramped condition for long hours and shit pay.. they come back down to earth pretty quick

You're English, everyone in Europe knows what Gypsies really are. Americans have this romantic view of them. The same might be said of Europeans who romanticise Black Americans.

But also English people call Irish Travellers and Romani Gypsies the same thing, so which were you working near? Not that either of them are anything but horrible.

You know it's bad when most faggy Europeans can't stand your people. They'll bend over backwards to accommodate and respect Muslims and Middle Easterners but get them started on gypsies and it sounds like a Klan rally.

They were irish gypos

That one guy thought you were wrong just cuz a bunch of people disagreed. What a fucking idiot. If his logic held up then Hitler was right cuz a lot of people agreed with him (he was right, but I'm just saying). Reddit is full of these little play-it-safe faggots, they're too afraid of being downvoted so they just agree with everyone else. No real controversial opinions, just the same as everyone else.

it's what happens when you dabble in the SJW pool for even a moment.

The grossest part is how they all try to talk like Bill.

It's so grody.

Weird how 15k people can sit around and pontificate daily one man's life.
At least we do it with a 20 year old radio show that's had multiple characters with countless interactions and quantroversies.

Time for /r/billburr2

Before we get the cease and dismiss folks


What was that GREEN THING they were wearing.

Good. It's a sign you're a decent person when disgusting wastes of oxygen like the people on that sub have a problem with you.

The feels on the bus go round and round.

Jesus Christ I'd forgotten about this. This sub really does make every other sub on reddit look like a bunch of weepy faggots

language language

This is my house!

They talk like chicks

He looks very sickly

Go with it

They probably are chicks. Burr draws a lot of female fans, for some reason. They all seem to have that "Oh, you!" attitude towards him. Someone should post some of the shit he got up to on the show and just ruin their image of him.

nia is a n-person

What a bunch of fags to be gossiping about some other cucks gossipings

Nia is a cunt.

Never laughed at the Monday Morning Podcast. Generic advice, dating advice, getting old advice, becoming a comic advice. Talk about MMA while being too cool to know the guys names, more advice.

We're not even that bad! We tell rude jokes! Fucking hell, this world.

She doesn't know how to check the oil on a car. On a brand new car he bought her.

If that doesn't tell you everything you need to know, I don't know what else will.


Interesting tidbit, 'np' links still work on the reddit app.

Works on relay on Android. Why they still haven't figure that one out yet sniff


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They love them some nappy n-person

Wow I didn't even know that sub existed. What a bunch of Ass kissing cunts. They even have nicknames for him, Billy Podcastah, Billy V Neck, Billy Moneyball, etc etc. They come across like a bunch of girls from the 70's discussing David Cassidy in Tiger Beat magazine.

One douchebag even calls Bill Burr the "most savage comedian" out there. Is this the same Bill Burr who used to be all in with the racial humor until he married an n person? The Bill Burr who has watered himself down since he got married? Most savage comedian my ass. Carrot Top is more controversial than Burr at this point.



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There have to be consequences for marrying a spade.

Well I'm sure his credit rating is fucked.

whenever we get linked into another sub, we just cant help flinging our shit on the walls, huh?

Nia: the narrow-minded bigotry of Anthony combined with the humorless cuntiness of Opie. Bill Burr is stuck with O&A forever.

Burr is an ultra liberal queen.



Weird how 15k people can sit around and pontificate daily one man's life.
At least we do it with a 20 year old radio show that's had multiple characters with countless interactions and quantroversies.

Before we get the cease and dismiss folks