Bobo reveals Trump not doing well in early voting.

37  2016-10-26 by Mr702law


Trump worrying about fraud when he's got Bobo working behind the scenes.

I'm not stuffing ballots alwrite!

How can someone think their vote really matters when they get to the polls and see BoBo there working..

"Just sign your name here and make sure to press the vote button when your're done, ulright?"


Poor retard, he probably hands out the i voted stickers

And covers his dog in them.

In New York City? Holy shit, it's over.

So, he's counting ballots in New York which is basically guaranteed a democrat win? (Non American asking)

Yes. New York as a whole is liberal(Democratic Party,) the city even more so than areas in upstate or Central New York.

New York isn't considered "in play" meaning all the polls and projections are confident in Hillary Clinton winning New York.

all the polls and predictions are confident in her winning

Bobo is in Queens (don't hold it against us) where while Trump was born here he'd be lucky to do more than 30%

And don't forget, we have a shitty system where a state's popular vote dictates the entirety of where their electoral votes go. Get 50% +1 vote, or the plurality version of that in a race with third-party candidates, and you get it all. So if Hillary gets 51% of the vote in New York, she effectively gets 100% of the actual vote in the state.

Yea such a shitty system that has produced one of the most powerful empires in human history. Look at the rest of the world and gain a little perspective of how horrible our system supposedly is.

All this election has done is proven the masses cannot be the only ones trusted with the direction of this country. A lot of people voted to nominate these two clowns.


I hope he doesn't cut himself on all that edginess he has

It's an absurdly shitty system that gave us George W. Bush when a simple popular vote would've given us Al Gore instead. One of the only metrics I care about.

guaranteed not just b/c it's a heavily democratic state like CA, but shit like this.

The full video and more are easily searchable, but after that old witch ((wins)) the election it will be fun to see how long until she's convicted, hopefully for the sake of some million man marchers who will take to washington.

Texas literally should have no chance of going Clinton, yet these voting machines are "proving" otherwise(look up latest stories). Shit's gonna get fucked up, yet prob nothing will ever change

same thing has been said about every election since 2000. new to politics?

Large Latino population, large black population (at least in Dallas, Houston, and East Texas) , large urban areas, a Republican candidate that isn't a religious style conservative. Why wouldnt this be a bad year for Trump in Texas? He'll still win, just not as much as a normal GOP candidate would.

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Bobo works the polls. In maspeth instead of a ballot box they stick their vote to Bobo's forehead with a thumb tack

3 people thought there was a chance New York would flip to Trump, Bobo, Samcro and Bonnie's sister.

Haha Anthony did early on. He thought Trump would totally change the electoral map

His mother probably felt same disappointment standing by his playpen

I'll be looking to Bobo for all of my pre and post election coverage.

Here comes the pre.

All of my pre

Not to get all political but Brother Joe and Bobo are perfect examples of Trumps "base"

I'll just leave it at that.

PS - Clinton sucks.. Opie has tits.. the sky is blue. peckahs.

Remember how terrible Bobo is with numbers? I don't remember when the show aired but once the boys discovered it they started asking some simple questions and he had absolutely no idea how much things cost, like a car I think.

I can't remember the details now but he wasn't a little off. He was seemingly clueless about money and numbers.

Why, thank you!

And salaries.

He aced everything but the math regents.

Grab her by the Maloonigans.

There's no way Bobo meets the qualifications:

The Effect of Mental Incapacitation on Participation

Prohibited if adjudged "incompetent" by court order and not thereafter determined "competent."

N.Y. Elec. Law §5-106(6) (Thomson/West 2006).

English Fluency and Literacy Requirement

Must be able to speak and read the English language and write it legibly.

N.Y. Elec. Law §3-400(6); N.Y. Elec. Law §3-401(5) (Thomson/West 2006).

Must be able to speak and read the English language and write it legibly.

Zero chance.

You're claiming Bobo loyed on his resume?

So you're saying we should report Bobo to get his government checks revoked? Let's do it.

Ive worked for the bored of elections before its not like you can tell who someone voted for.

You worked for the bored of elections huh?

I see a pattern among these polling employees

thats the bit.

Chairman of the Bored

Boring job I guess?

He's doing exit polling except he's standing outside of a burger king


Bobo tries to stuff the ballots but writes out a hundred thousand with the name "Melania Trump" on them instead of The Don...

Can someone give me the Bobo genesis story. All I know is he's on Ant's show every now and again.

He spelled poles wrong

Maybe Bobo could be doing better work on the home front, with Mr. Maloonigans. New York and New Jersey? Sorry, buddy, you lucked out into living where your vote can't possibly matter. Just check out and observe the craziness of upstart fascists for another few weeks until it blows over.

LOL DRUMPF FACIST LOL I love john Oliver so much

He is a fascist. John Oliver hasn't been wrong on a single thing in as many years as he's been around. Soooooo maybe you need to listen to The Bugle and catch a glimpse of what a smart person sounds like. They don't devolve into hyper-reactive sarcasm every time someone points out that their preferred candidate is literally a proto-fascist waiting to inherit the power to become one properly.

Yeah John Oliver loves uncovering corruption. Remember that segment he did on the Clinton foundation and how Hillary is the most corrupt candidate in American history?

Also did someone say Drumpf? XD LOL DRUMPF! Heehee XD

Clinton Foundation is a force of good.

Lol ok

Like John Oliver explained, the Clinton Foundation taking charitable donations from other countries is a little bit different than being flat-out indebted to them. The latter would be more corrupt than the former, and the latter happens to be the case with Trump. Oops.

Don't you mean, Drumpf? Teeheehee

Make Donald Drumpf again! XD LMAO

I'm not voting for Trump but this is the funniest thing I've ever read.

Literally Hitler, I get my news and talking points from CNN panelists disguised as comedians

I don't think he's literally Hitler. I think there's a great many fascists in the modern world you can point to. He's a lot like Pootin'.

I know what an evil man, i know he is because huffpo told me so

I just let his words speak to his intentions. He's made it clear he's an evil cunt.

Democracy is overrated, just a glorified popularity contest, and btw, I would love an American Putin, very fond of his work with the Chechens . But Clinton is probably going to win. However due to her own deeds, personality and past and Trumps undermining of her and the systems legitimacy, the next 4 years will be incredibly divisive and bitter. This anger is not going away. This will be fun :D

We don't have any Chechnya to persecute for being Muslim terrorist retardates, sadly. Unless nuking Dearborne is on the agenda.

Our votes dont even count anyway. More of an illusion of a democracy