White Feminists Gotta Go: Amy Schumer’s White Woman Foolishness

49  2016-10-25 by pussygeneration


They're simply too self-centered to not eventually turn on each other. This was inevitable.

Its progressivism. It eats itself because you can never be progressive enough to them. Theres always someone who cries "oppression" louder

I'd say it's women more than anything else. They're like reptiles, they just can't cooperate with one another for any meaningful length of time.

Male muslims do the same thing, so I don't think it is just women. More like moronic ideologies.

Muslims are at least occasionally entertaining when they are on the jihadi-warpath committing idealogically-driven-acts of mass violence.

Their contribution towards Liveleak has been invaluable and unsurpassed. These SJW-types on the other hand - are simply cunty, bores.

i gotta halfway disagree on the liveleak part.

The very disturbing african videos of darkies being strapped together while being bound by car tires and lit on fire are much more gag inducing than any 'muhamad' guy trying to blow himself up at a european TGIF.

I also gotta admire/condemn the videos of mexican 'druglords' hacking their gf's heads off with machetes. That shit might have been the most traumatic death video i've seen, no joke. The sheer acceptance of it. Opie sucks. peckahs

Oh yeah - African "justice" mob beatings may actually be my personal faves - now that you mention it. I prefer these vids as compared to a lot of what floats around there - it seems like a spot of innocent, goodnaturely fun!!

Sure, people are comatose, caked in blood, with shattered limbs & charred exteriors. But THERE IS A CHANCE THEY ARE STILL ALIVE!! Who knows maybe there is a fully-equipped Doctors-Without-Borders crack-team fully-prepped, standing & waiting patiently off-camera. So it feels like a feel-good story at the end of the day.

Beheadings, suicide bombings etc are just a bummer.

Just for good measure can we include Lena Dunham and Sarah Silverman too? #AmySchumerGottaGoParty pic.twitter.com/ciuUSARcX8

— A•Free•Can (@msnoellesly) October 24, 2016

They seem to only be upset at Jew women. LOL

My friend Chip told me it's called progressivism because it makes the country progressively worse.

I believe Chip was right.

SJWs don't want anything associated with justice. It's all a pretense so they can do what humans enjoy doing most: shitting on other humans. Everyone is behaving at the arbitrarily chosen level of requisite sensitivity? There's no one to shit on? Simple. Arbitrarily raise the level higher. But don't tell anyone! Save it for the witch hunt surprise attack.

And the betas will accept it. I've actually had conversations with people who believe in that "no black person can ever be racist" trash. The regressive left will eat themselves. Conservatism is the new punk rock.

Conservatism is the new punk rock.


It's the fruitiest sentence ever said by any human being or fictional character, but it is one of the only real rebellious things to do anymore.

Being gay used to be a rebellious statement.

Here's one of the funniest gay men in the world's take on the subject now:


He says it's boring. That's why you see all these gender-fuck tumblr teens and college kids. Sucking a dick is now respectable. And that takes all the fun out of it.

Proud Boy spotted



Reading these just make me sad. Like everyone else, I occasionally get sad, depressed, angry, life just shits on you sometimes. But it's also incredibly easy to make me happy. A funny comment on Reddit, a song I haven't heard in years, a domestic abuser arguing with a deceased black comedian, a cute dog that I walk by, stupid shit.

And like, I don't see black people or gay people or any classification and immediately get upset because they have the nerve to exist on the same planet as me. If they're an asshole, then yeah sure, but if they just briskly walk by me on the street I don't give them a second thought.

I'm sure this author would categorize it as blissful ignorance or some shit like that, but her constant state of mind, just finding more and more reasons to hate white people, it's just a terrible life to live. So much hatred in a time when it's extremely easy to find things that make you smile, whatever they may be.

Like, have you ever been sincerely outraged at anything? I've been upset, I've been pissed off but I can't think of a time where anything truly outraged me.

Like, have you ever been sincerely outraged at anything?

Your use of the word like in this post, otherwise top quality post would read again

Cut Valley Jim some slack.

That post was grody to the max.


You need to check your privilege, brah!

Beautiful prose, bros.

Prose before ho's, bro.

I am voting for you for president of this sub.

The Bobby Joe Blythe video made me want to physically harm another person for the first time in my life, so I can say that I've been outraged.

That's probably grabbing at straws though.

Solid post on your end.

Do I even want to know who Bobby Joe Blythe is? Because if it outraged you, it must be a hoot!

These videos pretty much sum up the important stuff with this.



Long story short, he was a shitty karate instructor. Basically Cobra-Kai in real life and worse. Tricked a guy into coming into his studio only to have a student surprise attack him, fight him, and eventually brutally kill him.

This was in 1984 and to this day justice has not been served, legally or outside of the law.

The fucked-upedness of the whole thing is really not tangible until you watch the real video, which isn't hard to find on YouTube surprisingly. It's more about context than actual gruesomeness. I won't link it though because I don't want to be responsible for ruining anyone's this day. (Even the folks on this sub, I think, would find this video pretty bad. Though I'm sure they'd find a way to be hilarious about it.)

They are weak, their bloodlines are weak, and they will not survive the winter.

I love how SJW always, without fail, cannibalize their own.

Crabs in a bucket.

I like CARBS in a bucket. Right ladies? Ladies?

haha! vagina!

Its what the upperclass wants, instead of sending rich fucks to the guillotines the left are too busy yelling about who is the most oppressed.

I love watching the cannibalism of far-left liberals.

"This age-old adage was affirmed Sunday when the painstakingly pale Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn desecrated timelines and Tidal subscriptions everywhere with their sub-basic brand of white feminism."

Even the literate blacks are illiterate.

"This age old adage." Right, because "white feminists gotta go" is just that. Jesus I hope Lady di Torpedoes this nigger's carnival cruise vessel.

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

I think the moon cricket simply meant "painfully". When one pretends to be an intellectual, they usually come off as very stupid.

She did. Not to mention an adage is already old, so "age-old adage" is not only a cliché, it's redundant.

The writer looks exactly as I would expect her to.

Samantha Master is a black-queer-feminist activist, educator and member of the Black Youth Project 100.

Imagine calling yourself a black-queer-feminist "educator."

An equivalent title would be "useless nigger"

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy on the redundancies. Useless or nigger would suffice.

i.e., unfuckable pig

That's dumb. The black youth project wants positive role models, not some person who is literally insane because they don't get exercise.

Why does she look so shocked in her profile picture?

The KFC she went to was closed for renovations.

I fucking hate niggers

All fucking niggers must fucking hang.

This is a quote from Full Metal Jacket, why the dislikes?

It must be fucking exhausting being one of these people.

Naw they go to sleep every nite knowing that they saved the world a little bit more.

As much as I hate Schumer; I hate this racist writer even more.

The enemy of my enemy is still not my friend

Fat black writer on the war path.

By attempting to replicate Beyoncé’s “Formation,” Schumer is firmly placing herself, as a white woman, at the center of a story where she has no place: black women’s self-love and sexual freedom.

Is there any black woman calling out how retarded this popular narrative is? If there's one type of human that doesn't need more empowerment, it's black women.

Why aren't you running for office?

why would i run i can walk it's not going anywhere ha ha

Schumer is totally (((white))). This writer is actually Patrice who like Tupac faked his own death.

Haha it's great to see feminism blow up in white women's faces when intersectionality is presented to them. They think they're such hot shit because they're being "so brave", then an Islamic Sudanese acid burn victim with mutilated genitals points out that they're just as bad as us straight white men (if not worse).

It's fucking awesome. Same thing happened to Lena Dunham with the OBJ shit a few weeks ago.

It's like oppression elitism.

"Oh you think you're oppressed because you're a woman? Well I'm a BLACK woman so that means I'm twice as oppressed as you!"

"Oh yeah, well I'm a black GAY woman, so I'm even more oppressed than both of you!"

I'm a transgender Palestinian sleepercell jihadi who has to live disguised as a rabbi of the Ashkenazic rite in a militant orthodox jewish settlement in the west bank. I also have AIDS.

I bet amys feet are stupid looking.

Well to be fair how would you look if you had to prop up that size six waif all day long. http://imgur.com/8Z0pAqv

Surprisingly not as bad as I thought. They may be the least hate able thing about her. Meh I bet they have corns n blisters on em

Worse than corns or blisters on the bottom, the top parts are connected to Amy.

Good point. Ya know... I ALMOST wouldnt bang her. If you're a famous hole and I would barley wanna give you a stickin...u must really stink

Big Amy's 'republican character' strikes again.

I love when they eat each other.

Racism always trumps gender, She is nigress hear her roar!


Now Amy will start dating a black guy so she won't look racist

I hope she gets robbed like kim kardashian except they also kill her

I like the topless bed picture. Her gut just falls in to the bed so that she's got fake curves. Good old myspace picture tricks from the master of disguise

I agree with the title at lest.

there are more comments here than in the article's comment section.

hur hur

Black women are intolerable. Probably explains why the father runs out on them so often. Black women empowered by feminism is a nasty combination.


how can you hate any black woman after being introduced to amy schumer?

I guess it's a testament to black women.

Her massive panties alone could clothe ten-thousand refugees. They could use her enormous dumps to make adobe bricks and her chainlink chin whiskers to thatch a sound roof...


I didn't understand or know one fucking thing that article was talking about.

I feel like Jimmy.

The pig is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But call her a pig and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

i hope she dies the same death goebbels did. and soon.

Where do they have to go?

Back to Africa!!!

Nigga, I'll copy out that art about the fat cunt:

White Feminists Gotta Go: Amy Schumer’s White Woman Foolishness By attempting to replicate Beyoncé’s “Formation,” Schumer is firmly placing herself, as a white woman, at the center of a story where she has no place: black women’s self-love and sexual freedom.

This age-old adage was affirmed Sunday when the painstakingly pale Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn desecrated timelines and Tidal subscriptions everywhere with their sub-basic brand of white feminism.

In a poorly executed attempt at parodying Beyoncé’s pro-black anthem “Formation,” the CultureVultureTwins™ and their black friend dressed up in dirty T-shirts, bulletproof vests and straw hats to offer what can best be described as the white feminist Pinterest board on how to execute ironic racism and completely dislocate black women from artwork created for us, by us. There have been good, thoughtful, funny parodies of “Formation”—Schumer’s isn’t among them.

The video received swift and immediate backlash from black women who presumably saw two white women lip-synching about their “Negro nose and Jackson 5 nostrils” as a slap in the face to actual black women with Negro noses and inspired Twitter maven @FeministaJones to incite black Twitter to trend #AmySchumerGottaGoParty.

That Schumer’s video premiered on Tidal, the streaming service pioneered by Jay Z and co-owned by Beyoncé, has been used to deflect criticism that her parody of “Formation” contained racist imagery and was antithetical to Beyoncé’s intent in the creation of “Formation.”

Unsurprisingly, after Schumer used women of color as props in her parody of a song written by a black woman celebrating her black and mixed-black heritage and loving her black-ass self, she responded to critics with flippant dismissal.

While a deeper conversation is necessary about the women of color who were complicit in the creation of this foolishness, placing responsibility solely on their shoulders when it’s clear that they were not the focus of the video and were used as little more than props isn’t particularly constructive in this moment.

Schumer’s choice to parody this video is emblematic of a larger problem with white feminism: the long and storied history of cultural and intellectual gentrification of black women’s work in support of a feminism that actively and unrepentantly violates black women and women of color in the name of “women’s equality.”

To better understand the dismissal of Schumer and her white feminist sistren like Lena Dunham, Sarah Silverman, et al., we must resurface the ongoing debate about the inherent whiteness of feminism—not feminisms that black women and women of color have practiced for centuries, but the model of feminism popularized by suffragette white women that continues the tradition of fashioning “women’s empowerment” through the lens and experiences of white, middle- and upper-class, cisgender women and repackages itself as the wholesale representative of all women’s experiences.

This narrow and basic conception of feminism patronizingly tells black women and other women of color to “lean in” while categorically ignoring the structural impact of racism, sexism, xenophobia, cis-sexism, homophobia, hyperincarceration and classism in our lives.

It is why Donald Trump would heartily win the presidential election if only white women voted, but “women” are being named as the constituency that “will defeat Donald Trump on election day.”

To reduce the backlash Schumer faced to Beyhive sensitivities is incorrect. By creating this video, she was not simply dishonoring the biggest cultural icon of our generation; she was firmly placing herself, as a white woman, at the center of a story where she had no place: black women’s self-love and sexual freedom.

What makes “Formation” uniquely powerful is the explicit blackness of both the imagery of King Bey’s video and the lyrics of the song.

In her most recent recording project, A Seat at the Table, the younger Knowles sister, Solange, tells us that when it comes to black culture, some “s–t is for us, some s–t you can’t touch.” White feminists’ inability to be anti-racist, reflective and anti-oppressive human beings continues to validate why so many black women are uncomfortable being labeled as “feminists,” in turn choosing to identify as black feminists and/or womanists to describe a politics that supports the fullness and complexity of our lives.

I don’t know Schumer’s intention in making this poor and pathetic excuse for comedy, and frankly, I don’t care. I am unwilling to thoughtfully nuance the moral constitutions of white feminists who are blatantly unashamed of the toxicity of their whiteness.

What I know for sure is that until white feminists get it together, they can’t sit with us.


Just use archive.is you dumb fucking old man.

Talk about a uppity field nigger. back in good old days she would been amys pet that wiped her fat ass in places she couldn`t reach

Damn, Amy has earned enough money to hire a team of engineers and a supercomputer to photoshop that Instagram picture. Very impressive.

The Blacklash

I can't wait for Putin to nuke us.

Fat cunts gotta eat...each other in a cannibalistic, feminist, piggish frenzy.

Awww hell naw dis honkey bitch gots. ta. go.

I see they used a photo from back when she was still fuckable looking.

You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation. Thanks for the exclusive release Tidal! We had so much fun making this tribute. All love and women inspiring each other. #strongertogether (from Amy's Instagram)


Are Beyonce lyrics REALLY that deep?

The day of the rope is nigh.

we're gonna need a thicker rope

Those Spanx were working overtime, and doing an admirable job, considering.

one of my new favorite sites, i've yet to see anything from the root that doesn't make me lol and roll my eyes.

oh yeah, and then avoid like the plague.


Please more strong black shemedians like Leslie Jones to take her place and give more jobs to white writers who happen to write all of her material.


Amy looks like some fat white bitch she saw sucking her baby daddy dick in the bathroom of the IHOP. They ran outta syrup.

Fucking fat joke thief please god make her fuck off im sick of seeing her fat cabbage patch head

this is lovely and could not have gone better.

It's funny to see them turn against each other. I wonder if Schumer will defend herself and hit back or if she'll release a statement along the lines of "Well, women of color have it harder than me, they can ditch me if they want, blah blah blah".

If this keeps building before the election, Trump will win.



Further proof that women are hilarious