Opie thinks Thanksgiving is in the UK

14  2016-10-25 by Dennyislife

Listening to the interview with the Oasis documentary director who went on to joke they are making a film about the third Oasis brother ( hence thanksgiving talk) and Opie and Chris Destefino thought he was being serious.

It's not a surprise his kid is a retard.


Oasis documentary

I stopped reading at this.

If anyone needs a compelling behind-the-scenes exposé, it's that 1998 band with the one hit song and the two middling ones.

Oasis have sold more than 70 million records they were one of the biggest bands in the world for about 10 years.

so has justin bieber, who cares

You said they only had one hit song and two middling ones. That's just wrong.

What shitty music do you listen to?

I only listen to KISS and Ozzy.

I wouldn't be surprised if that is true. It must be some really embarrasing music though.

Sometimes I listen to this one U2 cover band.

I used to go to their shows whenever they played the local carnival, but the lead guitarist kept trying to pressure my kids into spitting in his mouth for money, and I'm pretty sure it was for sexual purposes.

my fave bands/artists:

The Presidents of The United States of America

Oingo Boingo

Lady Gaga


Talking Heads


The Cardigans

Investigate 311

I don't know what that means

We know!!!!

What I'm trying to say is Oasis is mediocre.

Good point.

You're a fool then. The defined a period of British music history, i'm guessing you're not from the UK if you don't understand their importance.

England is a fag country.

England is a fag country you're right. Luckily I'm from a non-fag UK country. But I can confirm that oasis was huge here, super influential. You can still get people chanting along to oasis songs after a night out here.

And they have a bunch of excellent songs.

England sucks. They have some good musicians and actors but other than that, a boooo

No wonder you visit so often then.

oh boy is my face red now

Archie Bunker for President!!!


Then America is a fag country's retarded son.


I concur.

I stopped reading at this.

Surprised this faggot got that far


they are making a film about the third Oasis brother ( hence thanksgiving talk)

Please explain.

The third brothers name is turkey gallgher

He doesn't even know about America so what do you expect. Remember when Mencia gave him the citizenship test he failed it.



I've seen a lot of American TV hosts ask international celebrities (not Canadians) if they have Thanksgiving in their country.

Sounds like a perfect time for British Chip Chiperson to chip in.

When was this interview?

Last night. Came up on twitter so gave it a listen. The fake energy from Opie was incredible he really is fighting for his life now

So it was from yesterday's show? Because I clicked through it quickly and didn't hear any talk of Oasis and I'm not going to listen to a full Opie show.


What time into the show is it?

i dunno. Check the opieshow twitter feed and work it out from that

I found it. I couldn't listen to it all, I had to stop when Opie mentioned thanksgiving dinner at the Gallaghers' house. He is so retarded and sickening to listen to.

Is anyone surprised that Opie thinks that Thanksgiving is a holiday in England? He likes Oasis and thinks he's good on the radio. He has a talent for being utterly wrong.

Who dis Oasis?

Sometimes I listen to this one U2 cover band.

I don't know what that means