What's worse: that Opie had a three-day wedding in Philly, or that he was pissed at Ant for not staying the full three days?

4  2016-10-25 by BeMineYouGoose

We wanna here from you!


Opie is a cunt.

This is a great summary, I concure.

Good point!

I think Anthony leaving and taking 'his gang' to the casino was a passive aggressive move

I wouldn't expect him to do 3 x days but one night wouldn't have killed him.

No gift is weird too

Opie is a cunt

Fuck that, Opie claims that he and Ant weren't friends at that point, so why would Ant stay the entire time or give him a gift?

Why go at all, in that case?

You go, give a gift like a normal person, or you stay at home.

I understand Opie is a horrible person and doesn't deserve that type of respect. I'm talking about what regular grown-ups would do.


1) You go because otherwise you end up walking on Greggshells and getting all of his passive aggressive bullshit thrown in your face. Can you imagine how bad it would've been if Opie was on the air saying "That fucking guy [Anthony] didn't even go to my wedding, he just spent the weekend in Atlantic City instead!" Ant went to make an appearance and avoid having that be the pissy attitude in the studio.

2) They're both millionaires. What is Ant going to give to Opie that Opie can't jut fucking buy himself? Like, maybe Ant should've at least gotten Opie a card or some shit, but a gift? Like what, a "really nice check" for the multi-millionaire?

3) Do you want to talk about adults and respect, or do you want to talk about Opie? You can't do both.

I don't care

Then don't ask the question

Opie getting pissy about Ant leaving after 1 day is proof that the 3 day event was his idea and not his wife's

ME: Some people have told me it's the best wedding they've ever been too. sniff Jimmy stayed the whole 3 days, gave me a RIDICULOUS check. But we're still not that close!

It's his way of getting both sides

His wife probably would've left the wedding early if she could've.


Maybe Anthony was jealous of all the super cool dudes in the Philly Crew.


Fuck anyone who has a wedding that lasts longer than a single night. Nobody wants to hang out with you after the actual wedding and reception are done. Fucking self-important, self-indulgent shit. And fuck you if you have a destination wedding. Just get married at the local fire hall like the white trash you are.

Except for destination weddings.

Fuck Opie and his three day wedding. There's audio after Ant's divorce, I think when they first got on XM, about how weddings take forever. Opie's comments during that clip were "Man I have a long weekend and I was gonna go golfing this Saturday but now I have Dave's wedding" in a mock scenario of how nobody wants to go to weddings. He also said he wants to do a rock star thing where "you're with your chick but never get married" because you have to work harder at it.

Fast forward to his wedding: it's a three day event. The only wedding I've been to that took three days was literally this: arrive Friday to check into the hotel, have the wedding reception and after party on Saturday, check out of the hotel and go home on Sunday. Every other wedding I've been two has been a day long, two days long if it was a wedding where we all have hotel rooms so we can drink and not worry about driving home that night.

So Ant basically did what Opie said: he didn't want to take all weekend at a fucking wedding, especially with a guy he didn't get along with at the time.

Bonus Points: If I remember correctly, Opie announced his wedding right around the time they were talking about either Sam's or Erock's wedding, all to overshadow their big event.

He was mad at Anthony for not staying at least a full day. If I recall correctly, he only stayed half of the first day, and took Danny and Travis with him to AC.

I think that's kinda shitty to begin with, but what made that even worse is that he showed up with no gift. Who the fuck does that?

Half a day is 12 hours. Most people who aren't in the wedding party make it about 5 hours. Ant was a champ. And his gift was the wedding Opie was able to throw on the fortune he made off of Ant's talent.

Okay literal lisa, he didn't mean half a day as in 12 hours. He meant Ant was there for the ceremony, had a few drinks at the reception and left. Even if they didn't get along, you would think he could at least stay until the reception was over.

And if it wasn't for Opie, Anthony would probably still be installing A/C vents, playing in dive bars with Rotgut for $25 while shucking and jiving looking for a radio gig. This is all assuming he would even be alive at this point.

You do know that Anthony does not live in Philly right?

He went to the ceremony and the fucking reception. That's all ANYONE EVER DOES.

He also drove at least 2.5 hours to get there and back so it does add up to around 12 hours.

Are you aware that the wedding wasn't a full 72 hours right?

You keep harping on the time, but I mean you're going to travel that far, with no gift in hand, and not even stay at least until the reception ends. It's just so trashy and reflects on the kind of person Anthony is. Plus, AC is right there, so he didn't even travel back home, he just went there after he cut out of the reception.

He lives at home. He had to travel back home. The fact that he decided to go to AC, which is not "right there," doesn't matter.

He did exactly what any good friend and co-worker could reasonably be expected to do. Should he have been in the kickline at the end of the night with his arms around crazy momma Opie?

The fact that you're worried that one multi millionaire didn't check the registry for another multi millionaire's gift is pathetic on your part.

If you have that kind of money, you just buy the shit you want. You don't put it on a list and cross your fingers hoping your besty will know to pick it out for you.
Real men do not behave this way.

Ant didn't wait around hoping that Opie would buy him a backyard dinosaur. He just went out and got that shit as soon as the mood struck.

The fact that you're defending this so hard is what's pathetic. I loathe defending Opie, and I loathe you for making me do this.

The fact that you can't understand why Anthony's actions are perceived as shitty sheds some insight into the type of person you are too.

Bottom line; he should have got him a gift, and he should have stayed at least the whole day. That is really not asking a lot from a guy who you have worked with for 15+ years.

Never mind what Ant should do. What you should do is hand in your testicles. They've been revoked.

Have they?

Yes, you are an estrogen weeping faggot. All any normal person does is go to the ceremony, stay for some of the reception, then take off. Only a complete cunt would expect people to do anything beyond that. Also, Tits is a millionaire, he can buy his own shit.

An alcoholic woman beater does that. white trash.

What's worse? That you're actually asking a question about something that happened off-air 7 years ago.

I'd say your daily topics are worse.