The Brother Joe Challenge

0  2016-10-25 by unclepaul84

He gets alot of harsh criticism. Let's see if we can say something nice about him. Go


He makes a lot of awful music worse.

He keeps Asian kids who make his shitty stars n stripes doo-rags in work.

He's managed to do the mental backflips required to believe that people who receive public assistance are lazy assholes, but getting an allowance and having your bills paid by your younger brother is noble.

"And I've got that goin' for me, which is nice."

He has shown that if you have a younger brother, and make a tree-fort agreement at 8 years old that if one of you becomes a success the other brother gets paid, you can hold the younger brother too it. That shows his determination and lack of shame.

He fleeced his brother into supporting him his entire life based on a childhood pact.

He gives hope to all the unemployed bums out there? Fuckin', I don't know.

He's a nice guy, as long as you hate Hillary and he gets his allowance on time.

Pretty sure Colin Quinn's cousin was cruising for a bruising back in the day and deserved to get his ass kicked.

He gives hope to the uninspired, and unemployed.

He continues to delete his own posts despite thinking he's a tough guy (clever, too!).

I thought this was going to be about going viral with videos of children spitting in peoples' mouths for sexual reasons.

Joe gives an awesome blowjob.

He gives the salivary glands of children a reason to work overtime