Does anyone here relate to Jims weird celebrity obsession?

2  2016-10-24 by TheScarletR

Im sure its an inferiority thing but even that doesnt explain how deeply he yearns for this shit, often with celebrities he doesnt even know or care about.

There have been a couple stories where someone convinces Jimmy that a random person is "insert name here" and Jim will look like a complete ass by asking them for a photo.

On todays show he mentioned that he almost stood in line to get a CD (which he didnt own) signed by Lady Gaga, and he already has a picture with her from SXM. The only thing stopping him was that he didnt have anything for her to sign, because hes not a fan of hers.

Does this fandom/complex/whatever make sense to any of you? I couldnt imagine being so desperate for notoriety.


Jimmy allows himself to be a slave to his compulsions. AA convinced him he's An Addict, but he's really just a baby-boy who never learned to tell himself "no".

There's a difference in over-indulging and never getting sleep because you were jerking off for 7 hours.

That's why I said 'compulsions' and not 'over-indulgence'. There's a pathological element, but in the end, the only possible solution is to just not do the thing.

It can be a lot harder to banish unwanted thoughts (obsession), because your brain can be a traitorous fucker at times. But compulsions involve physical actions which most people have more control over.

It's a bit pointless to tell a depressed person to just get happy, but you can rightly tell someone to stop joiking their fockin' PRICK!

"Maybe I should get therapy?"

"Oh no! That's too expensive! Just don't do it any more."

That's why I said 'over-indulgence' and not 'compulsions'.

It's pointless for someone to stop the over-indulgence while never solving the compulsive thoughts. All the pain and none of the short-term satisfactions. All the broken ankle and none of the crutch.

Wait, sorry let me rephrase that in Bantz-Pro style (copying, not inventing any):

It's fuckin pointless for someone to stop the over-indulgence while never solving the compulsive thoughts, you autistic fuck. All the pain and none of the fuckin satisfaction. All the broken ankle and none of the crutch.

to stop joiking their fockin' PRICK!

Learn to spell you dumb Polak

But compulsions involve physical actions which most people have more control over.

Its not just wrong but its as if you don't know what the English words mean. Let me help you change the lightbulb, Polack

noun 1. the act of compelling; constraint; coercion. 2. the state or condition of being compelled. 3. Psychology. a strong, usually irresistible impulse to perform an act, especially one that is irrational or contrary to one's will.

Holy fuck, spend more time at that ESL course the warehouse provided you with as a condition of employment you dumb Polack.

Or did MSNBC's Hllary psychologists tell you this?

You are not a clever person. It's even more painfully apparent when you're trying to sound like a grownup.

At least when you're triggered and flailing, you can pretend it's all part of the bantz. When you get serious, you sound like Professor Jimmy trying to tackle a complex subject, dummy.

But compulsions involve physical actions

Tell me more about it. Don't forget to talk 'as if' you are a fucking badass 'smashing them with FACTS' like Jim Norton does when he has no fucking idea what he's talking about.

all part of the bantz

You have difficulty with discernment. It explains why you do copy-and-paste trolling but without really knowing 'why' and 'how' or even 'where' but there is no bantz here.

I'm very seriously owning you on your fuck-up.

Compulsion is the desire. Not the act.

(Oh and keep up the proper formatting, punctuation and spell-checking for me, thanks :D

Hush, my little Canadian catamite. Men are talking.

If we want to hear your opinion, we'll skullfuck it into you first, then you can give a little song and dance recital about what you have learned.

If we

Oh oh, the 'instruction manual' trollboy is so rattled she's pretending to be part of the 'we'.

"hey guys.. check this out.. guys? guys...?"

we'll skullfuck it into you first

My head probably would fit into your dumb Polack vagina after all the brown babies you've squeezed out of that Polish hole.

Compulsion, cunt. Compulsion. It's as if you don't even know what the words mean as they fall out of your mouth.

but keep writing my replies like it was an IELTS exam and your warehouse job in Bradford depends on it

No. In fact. it's one of the reasons that makes me despise Jimmy a little bit.


Celebrities are people just like you and me!

No, I don't understand why he cares so deeply about pictures with celebrities he's not even a fan of. Especially stuff like flipping out over the Shaq picture when he doesn't even like basketball.

I'm obsessed with a couple of porn actresses.

I've been a casual autograph collector since a kid (mostly MLB) but never got into the picture thing. It's a damn chore having to get them to stop & pose while you handle the camera properly while not having a stupid look on your face.

I only understand it as a memorabilia thing, getting a ball signed, a CD, etc. He just wants more photo's to clog up his walls and harddrive, which seems so pointless to me.

I even understand getting a picture with someone youre a huge fan of but getting a picture is Jimmy's standard with anyone of note. Including the "celebrities" he literally knows nothing about.

Memorabilia is also much cooler displayed in your house rather than a fucking picture of yourself with another dude.

It's what makes his collection doubly worthless - Jimmy is in every fucking picture, which makes it certain no-one will ever want to own or even look at his collection. Maybe a biologist studying the feeding habits of certain parasitic worms...

He's mentioned his collection as one reason he couldn't have a kid (a pretty minor reason compared to all the others, obviously). I was thinking that was one of the few reasons he should have a kid - so he'd have a clear, inescapable comparison between 'important' and 'trivial'.

Most functional humans (yeah, I know) would happily burn whatever dumb shit they obsessed about in their youth if it would be of the slightest benefit to their kid.

No. I could care less about celebrities and media.

I've met too many celebrities that were assholes to care any more. The single only nice one was Mike Tyson.

Which celebrities did you meet that were assholes?

That one guy

Probably Hillary.

Hush, my little Canadian catamite. Men are talking.

If we want to hear your opinion, we'll skullfuck it into you first, then you can give a little song and dance recital about what you have learned.