Big Jim was easy, Trantony was hard, Sam was a challenge.

123  2016-10-24 by Feliq


You should photoshop Sam too

Vurry good

actually lol'd

What challenge?? He's related to Thomas Jefferson's negroid maid. Throw an apron on him and darken his complexion

This is what Jim would look like if his hours in the gym were spent lifting rather than doing endless cardio and if he ate more than 1,000 calories a day.


going to the gem*




No gym was correct

Gem was correct. "Ay! Stay off the roads, stay off the moores"

I think it's "stay on the road, keep clear of the moors" or maybe it's moops. Either way, great reference.


Yeah if he had been lifting in the gym we could grew a foot taller by now, lazy pipsqueek!


Yeah straightening up and flying right that is!

You don't think exclusively hiring lady trainers and doing pilates stretches inbetween microsets of girl pushups is the key to a rippling, vascular, adonis-like physique?

You don't think instant heating soup is a good way to retain muscle mass?

gym obsessed people of any kind are fags

They photoshopped his arms right?


Big Jim is a vicious rapist

the lovable big galoot

Big Jim must depress the fuck out of norton.

Being Jim* must depress the fuck out of norton.

Sam was a challenge? You didn't even change his appearance.

a challenge to look at, that is

Tranthony has some nice tits. Opie must be jealous.

Not as jealous as you would think.

I'd legit buy a sick fucking puppies t-shirt..

Well you did a great job on Jim and Anthony. Don't kick yourself for not being able to photoshop Sam, his appearance is so fucked up that you can't really change it enough to look odder than it already is.

But don't be sad because 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

Tranthony needs to be a thing now. Any time they take a pic with a girl we need some Tranth in there

ME: Where we at with the Tranthony

Psychotic looking Big Jim, an awful faced (but somehow improved) Anthony, and just took me a minute to spot the best thing about this picture. Sammie's scrawny, withered arm.

Jesus Christ Big Jim is hilarious.

Big Jim has been the most consistently funny thing to come out of this place for me. Jim's so not big at all and he totally wants to be.

Jim would stop sucking dick for a week at least to look like this.

I'm more into beanpole big Jim (especially if he has an oversized head). You made him proportionate. Still an upvote for content though. I hope someone creates an Instagram Filter Opie photoshop parody series.

It looks like rogan gave him some of his steroids so Jim can have an oversized head too

trust a godamn fuckin jew to criticise something

I get what you're saying but I think a proportional, overall good (normal) looking one is good for Jim because it's everything he's not.

Henry Rollins Jimmy

I love Jims sick fawkin puppy t-shirt

I can't wait for Bald Jess.

Looks like James has added some weight back. I see the gut again.

just put sam back to 'normal' and tweet that to jim. Tranthony is hilarious.

This is damn awesome though, don't be so hard on yourself. What's the original?

Every photoshop of Sam I've ever seen has been hilarious.

I hear Big Jim has a BIG Jim is you know what I'm saying haha

Would it help if Sam's head were bigger overall? I figure you could make the whole head larger then extend the forehead and chin for an overall more Neanderthal-like appearance.

But who am I to say? You've done a great job here.

This is almost perfect. Sam looks retarded.

Man, Sam really is skinny fat.

jimmy looks like the heavy machine gunner in a ww2 movie

haha sam's arm is nauseating in this picture

You didn't make Jimmy ugly enough... I like that you left Sam natural. Keeps it believable. Good move.

This made my day.

this is a shitty photoshop

Yeah, anyone can do a shitty photoshops. If the only joke is the photoshop itself, be fucking good at it.