I haze zero tolerance for Opie lately, I cant even enjoy classic clips anymore. Am I just a pessimistic ass?

46  2016-10-24 by TheScarletR

Ive been listening to nopie shows for the last two months or so because I got tired of Opies usual bullshit whenever hes present.

I was missing my nigga Otto so I tried listening to this and had to shut it off immediately.

Any of you have this problem? or am I focusing too much on this "Gregg" bitch


Pretty much everyone has that problem around here. People are even editing opie out of classic shows now.

Hopefully, after enough time you won't be able to find a show with Opie in it anymore.

Erased from history. The Internet search will bring up his name as a former radio host but you won't be able to find any audio of him, just the cake stomp and Harry videos.


The commissar vanishes.

Tss Yezhov why not Nohov

I was wondering why a clip that used to be 90 minutes long was only 86 minutes now.

They must have really gutted it huh

I felt like this long before I even knew this sub existed. Finding this place was just confirmation that I wasn't alone.

Believe it or not this sentiment is shared by many in this community.

It's probably time we began to voice our displeasure with his contribution.

Yeah I'm starting to dislike this Opie fella too.

I remember the day when I realized I despised every single thing that came out of his mouth without a single solitary exception. It wasn't just what he said, it's that he said it with that stupid fuckin retard voice. You can always hear the confidence in it even though by all rights you should be hearing the polar opposite of confidence.

That was the day discordia dropped its talons and sunk into my flesh for all time. That was the day I found out the world was backwards.

It's not just his retard voice.

It's also when you can hear the desperation.

Something like this.

(Someone tells a funny line)


(Opie starts to talk) "How bout the..."

(Ant mercifully steamrolls him and gets another huge laugh)

(Everyone is laughing but Opie is angrily grumble-laughing over them all, establishing that it's his "turn" to talk.)

(Opie territorially groans into the mic) "And why didn't he just wear a condom"

(The laughter starts to die down rapidly, Jimmy laughs loudly, politely, fakely to placate the Titty-Man and his stupid and or redundant line that added NOTHING, and to keep whatever other guests, Vos etc, from saying something that would "rock the boat." Ant bites his own teeth. The bit, whatever it is, which could have gone on another 5 minutes, is now effectively destroyed, compliments of The Destroyer)


I always thought I was alone in thinking Opie distractingly terrible before I saw this sub.

I first started getting turned off by him when I would try to show people some O&A on my XM radio in my truck. It seemed like whenever someone was riding with me, the show was nothing but Opie claiming to be persecuted by the management or Howard Stern or whatever like it was a Hillary Clinton level conspiracy. Needless to say, Opie would indirectly make me look like an idiot.

Of course my hatred of him really reached a white hot level when I started relistening to stuff on YouTube that was needlessly ruined by that oaf.

I remember being one of those "He steers the ship!" guys, recalling he was far inferior to Ant and Jim but thought he was serving some kind of purpose all the same. Then I listened to some Nopie shows and remember enjoying them as much/more than regular shows, then listened closely and then remembered how often his lines would not only be unfunny, but he would often repeat the lines or similar lines until someone gave him a reaction.

Like other people say, I go back and listen and you hear these little tidbits you hated all along being far more common than you initially recalled.



I was just listening to a clip and Ant was riffing with Colin, and then Opie started bitching that they're not allowed to take nude photos of Bobo. Ant started doing Andrew "Dice" Kelly for Colin, and I KNEW that when it was over Opie would just start bitching again, which he did. Everybody was having fun and that big titted fuck just had to zap the energy out of the room to complain. You could tell that nobody gave a shit but him.

He loved to kill riffing with nothing. Anthony, Jimmy, and guests would be going and going and then "Roseanne is on the Today Show?!"


It's the day the name Opie makes sense to you, cus thats the bit (((sniff))).

Its to the point where in the louie, patrice, and colin playlists, i remember what episodes and segments to skip because i get infuriated. Or ill just mute it for a minute or two.

It sucks because when its just "normal mediocre o&a", Opie isnt really that infuriating (unless theyre in bitch about the company mode, then they both fuckin suck). If i listen to any random full show, just O&A&J talking about news or current events, i can usually deal with opie.

But when a great guest is in or they get a great bit or flow going, he gets all flustered and excited and that's when he becomes beyond unbearable. I would be embarrassed to recommend the show to anyone i know solely because of opie.

"Let's say I get a guest in my studio, let's say he's even remotely interested in returning to the show. Well then I get all excited. I'm like Jojo the idiot circus boy with a pretty new pet."

"Now the pet is my possible new Hollywood friend. Hello there pretty little pet, I love you. And then I stoke it, and I pet it, and I massage it. Hehe I love it, I love my little naughty pet."

"You're naughty! And then I take my naughty pet and I go..." [answers a call from Snowaaaaay] "Uuuuuuh! I killed it! I killed my credibility as a decent interviewer! And that's when I blow it."

That made me a little bit hard and im unsure of the appropriate response or course of action

We all know the appropriate course of action.

Opie reading Worldstar comments is the worst thing that's ever happened.

Oh well this is where we part company because the unstoppable persistence with which he continued unintentionally reading them wrong, not understanding them, and jamming the breaks with no regard for the safety of the comedy was hilariously uncomfortable.

Maybe the show has just passed you by.

It's so funny when he says that, as if the show has matured and gotten better. Nope. He is a one trick pony, and his trick isn't even that good.

Not good at all*

That's the bit!!

I've been yelling at the radio for him to shut up since probably 2010. Once you notice his constant interjections of complete bullshit that not only don't add anything to the conversation, but actually just get in the way of it, it becomes like nails on a chalkboard.

I forced myself to suffer through his irritating bullshit because Jim, Ant, Colin, Louie, etc would regularly make me literally laugh out loud, which is pretty rare these days.

I feel validated that not only the internet, but now even the people who worked side by side with him for years are acknowledging that he sucks. People online who pointed out that he sucked back in the day were mostly just met with "You must be just a Howard fan. Gag order. Hoo hoo, he invented everything and probably wears a wig..." and people who mentioned it in person were met with "Are you talking about some shock jock who goes by 'Opie' right now? Wow. Gonna need you to kill yourself."

Yeah you've been yelling at that radio so long people might think you two are MARRIED or something!

i had the same problem after i went through the nopie playlist twice ... even patrice and louie and colin shows became tough to listen too... just stop listening to opie episodes or any version of the show all together for a few weeks ... your tolerance will build back up

I sorta went another way with Gregg. I acknowledge and accept how awful and stupid he is. I just cringe a lot and say things out loud. The most common phrases of mine recently have been:

" yuck "

" you fucking moron "

" You're so stupid! He's so stupid! "

It's also fun hearing the greggshells from all those old shows. They happen in tiny increments and when you happen upon one it's like finding a little nugget of copper in a pile of poo.

I can't tell you how many times over the years I've said "Oh shut the FUCK up" and thrown my headphones off.

I honestly had to stop listening to O&A at work for that very reason.

Yelling "because you don't know anything, you CUNT!" was starting to unsettle my coworkers.

I try and chill over it by reminding myself he was the catalyst for bringing the show together but I always end up irritated again when I remember he got paid millions to ruin so many classic moments.

I just ignore him. Or think FAWK YEAH HOMERUN GREGGY! when he makes a terrible joke probably uncredited from Instant Feedback.

I stopped listening around '09-'10 approximately for this exact reason. Whoever uploaded all of the 'Nopie' shows ever a few years ago is a fucking hero.

I use to be indifferent toward Opie, did not understand the fan reaction toward him when there would be a good show. Then when they broke up and became O&J it became how clear he stunk, that he was not just the not funny one he was annoying and added nothing. Got worse when listening to old clips and going wow the haters were right all along.

He's ruined the show for me. I litterally can listen to anything of his. Not only does he not have anything at all to say its his stupid voice and they way he can't put a fluid coherent sentence together. "Ugh.... yea so we have...we have Sherrod in to uhh... to uhh talk about the real house wives" Sherrod - "you watch that??" Opie in a high pitched super defensive voice "NO WHY WOULD I WATCH THAT I JUST HEARD WHAT HAPPENED EVERY SHOW FAWWWK"

Opie being hateable is a universal constant...

There's a clip on youtube about the time High Pitch Eric threatened to blow up the radio station, and when the Stern caller says "I don't listen to you guys" Opie chimes in with "You know exactly who we are" which didn't even answer the man's comment. Opie followed it up with a fake laugh and Anthony just sat silent that entire time, letting Opie languish in his mediocrity.

Whar be this clip, matey?

It's this one.


So the call in question begins at 12:10, but the part I'm talking about is from 12:19 to 12:26. Anthony asks the Stern caller if he just listened, the caller says no and that they are garbage or something (foreshadowing of Ant being human garbage, I suppose) and then the ol' Opster chimes in fake laughter and the comment "Yea right, you know exactly who we are" followed by more fake laughter.

Every single word uttered by Opie is an emergency brake pulled on whatever is going on. It's impossible to ignore.

You're just a H8ter man

Its tough to listen to in a lot of cases, but I do like to revisit some old clips now that certain details have been made public. When you realize whats really going on, its fun to pick up on the little details you overlooked. Otherwise, its just Opie being Opie which makes it unlistenable.

Same, hell I been going back and listening to the XM shows and hes just unbearable laughing his ass off over dumb shit like hanging up on the boss . Also how he goes on and on about Howard just trying to pick a fight.

No, you're just red pilled.

I can only think of 2 occasions when I liked Opie. When the whistler guy was on, Steve the whistler or something, that was pretty awesome. And when he threw the poker chips.

You KILL on the show. You just kill in a different way that's all

Nah you're just a misspelling ass.

ME: Leave it alone.

It may pass. I was in the same boat with Robin Quivers in some old Stern clips (Mostly Wack Pack).

Now I am able to tune her out for the most part and even maybe enjoy a few quips from her from time to time.

I feel left out being British because I don't think I'll ever truly understand just how cringy the name Opie is to a lot of you

Its one less thing I can hate him about

Why don't you call yourself AnthonyNigNogCumia, then? Or AnthonySootyCumia?

Also, do you pronounce 'nigger' with a glottal stop?

Because that wasn't the joke when it was posted

Oh heaven's no, I wouldn't say it out loud for pete's sake!

I remain disappointed that the Sooty and Sweep show was cleaned up by the PC police.

I sorta went another way with Gregg. I acknowledge and accept how awful and stupid he is. I just cringe a lot and say things out loud. The most common phrases of mine recently have been:

" yuck "

" you fucking moron "

" You're so stupid! He's so stupid! "

It's also fun hearing the greggshells from all those old shows. They happen in tiny increments and when you happen upon one it's like finding a little nugget of copper in a pile of poo.

"Let's say I get a guest in my studio, let's say he's even remotely interested in returning to the show. Well then I get all excited. I'm like Jojo the idiot circus boy with a pretty new pet."

"Now the pet is my possible new Hollywood friend. Hello there pretty little pet, I love you. And then I stoke it, and I pet it, and I massage it. Hehe I love it, I love my little naughty pet."

"You're naughty! And then I take my naughty pet and I go..." [answers a call from Snowaaaaay] "Uuuuuuh! I killed it! I killed my credibility as a decent interviewer! And that's when I blow it."

Opie reading Worldstar comments is the worst thing that's ever happened.