Does anyone have any updates on the feud between JJ Abrams and Opie?

26  2016-10-24 by goldstandard32

What's the haps?


abrams hasn't been heard from since; while opie's been going viral and on the news daily

Yeah that will teach JJ. Hope he learned a lesson in this... never to mess with The Opster!


I heard JJ won't even set foot in the big apple anymore after crossing the destroyer!!


I texted my good friend Jeff "JJ" Abrams about this post and I'll let you know what he says.

No way you really friends with JJ Abrams?

He calls him Jeff so I'm gonna say confirmed true.

Who dies in the next star wars dude??

Well my good friend Jeffy Jay swore me to secrecy on that one but what the hell Chewbacca

Damn, I would rather it was the black guy

Chewbacca is black

What is this in reference to? And how long ago?

Opie thought JJ Abrams snubbed the show because of some vendetta against him instead of him just not knowing the show existed

In reality Abrams is siding with Scorch on the issue of boycotting O&A. Scorch started Abrams' career in the WWF back in the day, when he was a wrestling manager. Same goes for Triple H's career.

Another FAWWWKIN guy who stopped coming on the show when he got famous.

"We were trying to help him out...sniff...."

The man who saved Star Wars vs the man who killed radio.

There are back channel negotiations going on; Disney has brought in Brother Wease to mediate, and Steven Spielberg has asked Opie to reconsider his position as a personal favor to him. So far, Opie's holding firm; J.J. is terrified that the Opster is going to torpedo the next Star Wars movie.

Yeah with his big torpedo titties or sumpthin

JJ has decided to end it by giving Roland the jabba the hut spin off gig. He doesn't want a beach video aimed at him so is making good with Opie

Because of this feud JJ unfriended Greg Brady

Opie is just jealous he didn't get to rewrite the national anthem

Jj Abrams is working on two new shows: grocery goofs and hostage tv.

Yeah with his big torpedo titties or sumpthin