Off topic: this is fairly funny.

6  2016-10-23 by Mr702law


fairly funny?

well you're certainly fucking selling it to us!

Is it your first day here? If I sold it more then the first guy who finds it unfunny calls Me a fag

Not watchin this unfunny shite... op is a faggot

You're a fag for caring if someone on the internet calls you a fag. You faggot.

Haha best comment ever.

Stand by your opinions fag.

wow what a faggot

A quick check-up of my post history would have shown you it isn't my first day here.

Why I don't think you really thought it was my first day at all!

I don't go for this kinda humor, pal.


I also don't like SNL!

N person

Best thing I've seen on SNL in a long time but it was the same old 'BLACK PEOPLE BE LIKE IS, WHITE PEOPLE BE LIKE DAT.' shit. Half funny but played out.

Funnier than a Sherrod set but the same basic premise.

It makes me furious because it's the Celebrity Jeopardy skit but given the Soul Plane treatment. Fuck that.

Wasn't this skit the exact opposite of what you're describing? I feel like the entire point was trying to point out that ghetto white people and rural white people are pretty much exactly the same when you look at it. Honestly, it sounds like you didn't watch the sketch at all and instead just went, "Oh a skit with black people and a white guy. I'm going to just assume I know what kind of racial point they're making."

The sad thing about SNL's newest season is that the show has improved but it is now a chick show. Every sketch they put effort into these days is aimed at bitches.

Shet ep

No, this is condescending Jew York liberal bullshit. "You see, poor white Trump supporters are really just like black people. They like the same stuff and have the same beliefs. We're all the same on the inside! But we had to give him a southern accent and white trash him up to make him look authentic as a Trump supporter. See, if these people just realized they're exactly like blacks, they wouldn't be so ignorant and racist. Thank god we made this show to teach the poor ignorant whites about tolerance!" Fucking yuck.

It takes as a given that Trump voters are southern ignorant uneducated white trash, when he won the primary by the biggest margin ever, IIRC. It also acts as if we'd get over all this racial strife if white people just smartened up and realized we're all the same. It's all white peoples fault, again. "Take that shit to the suburbs: burn their shit down", "he's white, get em", "kill all white cops", these things never happened or are irrelevant in this sketch's America.

Black people are just hanging out, being cooler than white people, when a racist cop comes along and goes "hey, nigger, you steal those shoes?!" and shoots them in the chest. That happens in the world of this sketch.

America is basically like Sweden if Sweden happened to have a mid-size African country inside it's borders. And if you only count white people, America has similar wealth, crime, and human development levels as Sweden; when you exclude whites, America is 3rd world. There's a whole class of people that resents us, is taught to hate us, that all their misfortunes are our fault, and that we're all out to get them, and then they commit more violence against us than vice versa, and we have to pay for all their food, housing and healthcare.

If we got every white American in history and the future together and said "ok, you can get 7 generations of cheap labor, but in return, youll have higher taxes, a much more violent society, and less safe property for 20 generations" do you think we'd take that bargain? I wouldn't. But blacks (and whites) are taught that white people are the progenitors of all violence in society.

Of course, as usual, SNL thinks it's being subversive, while actually just parroting tired mainstream liberal cliches. They think this is edgy or controversial; this is the most conventional wisdom-promoting view possible. Just look at the credits of the writers they hired for this season. Expect more "subversive, edgy" mainstream liberalism.

You need a hobby.

My hobby is reading books, and recently those books have been about recent American history. Maybe you need a hobby that doesn't involve pressing buttons to make the big strong man shoot the spoopy aliens with the lazer gun.


Hey anthony!

I thought about posting this and went, this may not be the place

I respect your opinion, but I thought the sketch was unfunny until the very end. The rest of the sketch reminded me of why I stopped watching SNL, although kind of in reverse. Usually, they have an okay bit and just don't know how to end it. Here, it was like they didn't know how to get to the funny ending.

I had assumed maybe SNL had gotten better, cuz I've enjoyed the debate cold opens I've seen on YouTube. But I guess not.

Also, I've never seen anything with that Keenan guy (the host) that I have ever found to be funny.

I know, what's up with that?

Black people are the OG conspiracy theorists. White people are co-opting that shit just like they did jazz music. Unoriginal devils.

That's adorable how they put that gorilla in a yellow-jacket and taught it to press that button.

So, the joke is dumb darkies and redneck trump faggots are both stupid as fuck? I concur. I'm not sure if I'm laughing though.

HOO HOO I errrr uh, Robin - you know that Lorne Michaels is ripping me off

Damn Keeley is hot af. But as for the sketch: I didnt laugh nor find it particularly funny but its good and a lot better than most of the hot garbage on that show.

Off Topic-Off Topic- Atlanta is the funniest show on TV righht now.

I think it's a great show but I wouldn't call it funniest. I like that their lives are still a shitty grind even as paper boi is "blowing up."

I found the concept of blacks/right wing white guy have a lot in common to be funny.

Atlanta is terrible outside of the episode with the black teen identifying as a 35 year old white guy and the fake commercials. It's really a drama.

IMO its rather funny and i dig where theyre going with the whole magical realism/invisible car/black justin beiber thing. I also get the reffs and am into the rap/daBLAAKK culture, but im a race traitor who am i to say.

In all actuality its really the black "Louie". Kinda funny kinda full of itself.

That was pretty great. The video has this undertone of the differences between whites and the nignogs are almost negligible and it is as if the elites are the ones actually dividing us an making us hate each other. I like the cut of Doug's jib.

Oh, you mean this is Jew propaganda...

Who do you think (((the elites))) are?

This one took me by surprise, SNL has been alright lately, still mostly disappointing but a few gems. The Weekend Updates have been good for the past few years too