What do ya say fellas? let's raise 10k to tattoo some heinous shit on this guys face.

1  2016-10-23 by GRIZx


It should say "I fuck kids".

Can we keep the quotes and add...

-Opie Hughes


Ebay will take this down. It's against their rules, and besides, there's no guarantee this guy won't just tattoo some rival gangster he's kidnapped.

Lets hope he does and redouble our contributions

"Fuck the Mexican mafia, fuck the aryan brotherhood, fuck all nigger gangs"

Ah peckkahs

Good point.

"PECKAS" right across the forehead

Credible death threat directed at prominent local politician.

It should simply read "James Morton stole $60,000 from truckers" in comic sans. Not too big. Just big enough to read on his forehead

Something about one of the Cumias and either child spit or trannies?

Or possibly "Bam Magera fucked Lynsi Smigo"?

Think of how sad it is that this guy can be bought like this for merely $10K.

I think we should get a nice image of Jim and Sam mid-kiss with the Jim and Sam logo underneath on his massive farhead.

why not his close head?!?! tssss

I want a full on red, white and black Nazi flag on his face, it has to cover every square inch, not covered by head hair, all the way down to the neckline of a t shirt.

Too bad it is a nigger, you can't see tats on them anyways. Unless they use white out as ink.

Good point.