Jim, Bobby, and Colin on Jims Raw Dog Show

9  2016-10-23 by TheScarletR


Ah 2010, the year I stopped growing as a person. It's a fine vintageeee

Thanks sockcuckah

I just listened to the whole thing earlier today. I thought it came out last night!

I thought the Long Story Short plug was a re-release. I'm an idiot

How many shows does norton have?


I only found like 14 episodes of the Raw Dog show on youtube and he had a bunch of advice show episodes, but that shows pretty boring.

When someone asks "How many shows does norton have?" it's like saying, Norton has never been able to make a successful show on his own, therefor, all his opportunities to do so have continually failed...

Maybe the 'Last Convict Standing' show with Artie and Colin will finally be his moment to shine like a little fruity garbanzo bean. I'm rooting for you Jimmy. Just kidding, I hope you fall in a ditch and people forget about you. :)

What's your pleasure young fella?

How far better it is to strike a pecka than curse the darkness.

What a swell chap you are.

I've never heard any of these. Cool.

Right outta' the gate...

"What episode is this 13 or 14? What channel is this on again? We have new comics on, that's what this show is. - Today we have Colin Quinn."

For a guy who stands up and talks to crowds for a living his execution and confidence and swagger are total shit. I think at heart Jimmy's a good dude, but he is SHITTY at 'doing radio' he's good at throwing occasionally quick one liners, but he drags interviews down and distracts the overall conversation with just about every one of his tricks. At times it's hilarious and totally justified and amazing, but lately... It's just been tired and annoying. You can tell radio is just a side job for him, in his mind... but without it, you disappear quicker than a ranch dipped snicker bar in Amy Schumers craw.

I wouldn't call him shitty. But I definitely think he does better when he's not in the driver seat of a show. IMO he works best when he can kind of sit back and sharp shoot lines. Miss young angry Jimmy though, even if he played it up a bit half the time

If you do the same thing for 20 years and never evolve you're shitty, but I know what you mean.