One of the reasons Bob Kelly gave up booze

33  2016-10-23 by unclepaul84


Doesn't drink but still has a problem with boos

You'll never make it in the NBA with that weak of a reach

Because he is overweight and whales have a lot of blubber, right? And people historically harpooned whales? Is that where the humor is?

Fawk yea

Get it, because he's fat...

So the obesity wouldn't be so noticeable?

Despite the name of the brewery, I rather doubt I that their beer cans would actually have harpoons in them, as this would likely detract from their customers' enjoyment of their beverages.

Therefore, I very much doubt that the name of this particular brewery had much of an influence on Robert Kelly's decision to cease his consumption of alcohol.

i hope this is the reason you top making threads.

I agree, this thread is shit. I still downvoted you though because I don't like you as a person.