Daily reminder Sherrod Small's show Black & White was cancelled after 3 fucking episodes.

133  2016-10-22 by BeMineYouGoose


Which one did he play?

The white one. Sherrod's a white guy, right?

Idk he never brings up race. Its weird, most stand ups have atleast 1 bit about race but not him

you see, inferior comics use race as a crutch. Sherrod is too clever to rely on it, he focuses on the real issues like "dassabesso'

Dassabesso, jus confounding expectations with regard to one's racial extraction, while capitalising on the frission of audience uncertainty that this ambiguity creates, an fuckin...

That is the worst news for him, though.


jus gettin canceled and fuckin

Two more episodes than Man vs. Food starring Bobby & Sherrod.

Food won.

We all lost

RIP Patrice

I LOVED hearing him talking about hiring writers and being a producer. He was so happy to have something... You fucking no-talent. You only get gigs because of Rock. No difference between Norton's shitty shows too. They're all faggots with no vision. Their development deals are 100% w total waste of money. Norton's become this lazy, phone-it-in radio guy, his comedy is shittier than ever and just mediocre topical observational horseshit... How long does that last before it caves the fuck in... The Jim and Sherrod Talentless Pool of succubus.

Norton's staggering ignorance of almost anything pop culture related post 2000 and unbelievable lack of show prep is just appalling. Did he pick up all of Opie's bad habits? How do you A) Be a fan of 70s cinema and B) Have Paul Schrader as a guest on your show, and not know that he wrote fucking Taxi Driver??

Jimmy used to be so on top of it and basically lead the interviews, because O or A couldn't be bothered to do any show prep or research. But now Jimmy is almost a flagrant slouch, they have Morgan Spurlock on and Jimmy didn't even bother to check or ask if Morgan had sent the material? (It was emailed to James, he didn't know about it, allegedly) Jesus, wake the fuck up, Jimmy.

Get this man a fucking cigar.

I'll take a Cohiba or a Monte Cristo, thank you.

And don't get me wrong, I love Jim & Sam show. But it seems out of character for Jimmy to be so lazy like this, what happened.

He's an abhorrent, untalented bag of shite who guilts people into gigs.

The thing people forget about affirmative action is that it doesn't work. You hire people who aren't tallentend in order to appeal to a demographic that doesn't watch your channel.

I love how his Wiki page got locked still with the 'I'm black' shit in it.

Sherrod worked as a doorman / bouncer at the Comedy Cellar for years, always introducing himself as Chris Rock's cousin and his famous tagline "I'm black", eventually lead to him becoming a regular at the Comedy Cellar and Comic Strip Live in Manhattan.

Jesus christ that made me laugh....

From 2012 to 2014, Sherrod was an infrequent guest on The Opie and Anthony Show until Anthony Cumia's firing on July 3, 2014. Since then Sherrod has taken a more active role, appearing more often on the re-branded Opie Radio channel. His involvement has been met with mostly negative reactions from fans.

That's how you know Wikipedia is accurate.



plus there's a link to DASSABESSO in the references

Dassa kinda white people white people call white people. Actual sherrod quote.

He promised it was coming back after Labor Day too.

opie promised sherrod he was gettin a paycheck too

So first he got lied to by a white man about a position in radio that would bring him a steady paycheck and then lied again by white executives about the status of his show.

I'm telling you, Sherrod would go postal is he wasn't white.

(((white executives)))

I like to think that Sherrod promised A&E a Chris Rock appearance by episode six, but the ratings were so abysmal that it was cancelled after three.

Hahahahaha, good.


I guess that shows quality was pretty black and white after all, huh gang?

That's not even a pun, you dumb fuck.

I guess my joke's quality was pretty black and white after all, huh gang?

You have won me over.

The "huh gang" really did it for me.

He's just green wid envy


3 episodes, that is quite an accomplishment for Sherrod.

Fuck that macroglosstic eggplant. Let's hope he stops trying.

Macroglosstic. A new word for my vocabulary.

Not soon enough

There is a God.

Dassa mother fucking besso

Wonderful news!

I hope Sherrod is cancelled too

Opie identifies with and feels safe around others whose success in Show Biz is due to dogged relentlessness coupled with a lack of genuine talent

Out of curiosity is there anywhere to watch the episodes? I just want to see how bad they are.

Even Christian Slater can hang on longer than 3 episodes

Ha ha ha ha now that's funny.

They are just on a break until after labor day

So that was 3 episodes too many then.

Haha Sharrod said a couple days ago on Opie Show that it's coming back in a couple weeks.

Can he do anything that's not based on race? What a fucking idiot.

I like to spread my asscheeks and hold that position with my hands for extended periods of time. Just to air it out. Great feeling.

hey thats me

nelson pointing ... ha ha

Pretty impressive that it lasted that long

The only person I feel bad for in this is Christian Finnegan.

sherrod is awesome on the opie show. sucks that the opester never got to be on black and white.