Anyone bummed about the peace made between Anthony and Opie and/or the cease fire between Opie and Jimmy have no fear: Opie will burn those bridges soon enough.

59  2016-10-22 by TangerineReam

The one thing you can always have confidence in; The man WILL NEVER admit he's where he is because of his own actions.

His career is still in free-fall right now. It's falling straight down, but the next branch is steadily approaching. Something will happen behind the scenes that will spike another fit of woe-is-me rage in the Opester, and he'll go back to taking shots at Ant and Jim again, complete unprovoked. Both of them are trying to take the high road; Ant is even extending a olive branch. But Opie will ruin that too, just like he ruined his own career by allowing his insecurities to steamroll over everything.

Give it a couple of months; Cowhead has only done two seconds of radio with the guy in his whole career (same with Opie). He'll learn what greggshells are REAL QUICK, and he'll eventually step on them without even knowing it. Opie will freak out, they'll have it out on air, and Opie will go back to bashing Ant and Jim (if he hasn't already by then) on top of Cowhead.

Because apparently; it's everyone else that he has to keep his "head on a swivel" for.


Someone was saying the Cowhead thing wasn't real and that would make sense even though it's a weird and random joke thats more confusing than funny... he'd either have to move to NY or do the show with Opie through an ISDN line. If that's really true theres no way it lasts long. Also if anything Anthony said was true about no one being able to last long doing a show with Opie, Vic/Sherrod/DiStefano will either stop coming in so often within a few months or just get audibly sick of doing radio with him. It's almost a guarantee the Cowhead thing was completely faked (he probably got Cowhead in on it too) to try and generate buzz so he can show execs people want it then try to lobby for it to happen... if that's true it's even funnier because it backfired, the top response tweets were people saying Please no and Cowhead calling everyone fuckface

Not only that, if what Anthony/East Side Dave were saying about how Opie treats other shows/staff, lies and manipulates and 'backstabs' people by stringing them along only for them to get left in the dust... I would bet money he's convinced Vic / Sherrod / DiStefano that the execs have 'shown interest' in getting him a cohost spot, fooling them all into coming in and doing radio with him all the time because in their head they're competing to get a paid afternoon gig at Sirius. In reality everything that Opie actually said during the contract stuff pointed to them barely even showing interest in having Opie there as a host, so there's no chance they care about finding him a cohost on a 1 year contract, and he's fooled all the comedians who support him so he can string them along and get them to come in all the time and carry his show.

Cowhead is under contract in Tampa until 2019. I'm guessing that it has a non-compete clause that SXM would need to pay. I agree - it's bullshit.


I didnt look into the thing bringing a hoax on Opie's part, because I do not follow Cowheads career (most of us don't); so if someone said they were going to do radio together, I'd believe them.

But see your point. That makes sense.

No shit this Cowhead business isn't real. It was rolled out the same exact way as the Artie thing which, btw, fooled 95% of you dummies.

Your flair 🐷

The believabilitly stems from most people rightfully having zero idea who 'cowhead' is, and then reasonably assuming no one sane could possibly lie about something so utterly trivial and valueless.

Anthony will dance a jig if you flash him money. I hope it does continue until opie kills himself.

i'd love to see ant dance for his dinner

hes stupid fucking tin man torso and arms swinging stiffly as his old man legs shuffle listlessly

and that god-damn face! what an old ghoul he is!

All it takes is one of those overly sensitive sissies misunderstanding a joke or being prodded the right way on Twitter. They're drama queens and they love it.

i'm guessing ant needs money badly, on the tacs with Jim

"i've actually managed to stay on good terms-"

Jim: "you said destroy everything wrong!"

And then Ant just kind of looked down and went uhh, yeah, hmm. Like he was just thinking, yeah I really did fuck everything up what a mess I'm in.

That Jimmy line was hilarious because the room filled with the uproarious laughter of truth spoken aloud, enjoyed exclusively by people personally affected by his poor decisionmaking skills.

yes it was a bit of a "slamdunk" as they say

You don't think Opie's gonna admit his mistakes and grow as a person?

By evidence of all the fake, inaccurate, or premature announcements it's obvious Opie and KtC share a brain and right now Keith is probably borrowing it for something.


Wait what ceasefire with jimmy

"When the hell did this happen??"

I don't know, maybe through all of this Opie is finally starting to loosen up and start seeing his part in all of this. I highly doubt he'll just come out and admit it on the air, but maybe he will. I actually hope that in the end they all bury this bullshit and can just do the shows that they wanna do. Yeah, it would be more entertaining for everybody to pile on and attack Opie ( he's s definitely done enough to deserve it), but in the grand scheme of things the damage has been done and they all need to move on with their shows and their lives... Now down vote me to hell.

The only good Tits shows were the Antony phoners and that one Artie episode last week. He's not doing ANYTHING new. It's the whole 'Throw a bunch of comedians in there and see what happensBURP' thing all over again.

You ladies just love writing fan fiction, dontcha?

Arent you the fella who posts Opie Show listening threads, daily, that get like 15 comments on them?

Also the Jim & Sam Live Listening Threads, yes.

It's sad, you don't even contribute to the conversations in those threads.

Because he's an autistic bore with nothing to offer. And he is one of the few faggots who is legitimately excited for an O and A reunion because he is also apparently retarded and has learned nothing in the past two years.

What am I supposed to say? I like Jim and Sam's show; I don't like Opie's.

Opie only produces good radio with Anthony; Anthony only produces good radio with Opie. On their own, they both produce dogshit.

Because he's an autistic bore with nothing to offer. And he is one of the few faggots who is legitimately excited for an O and A reunion because he is also apparently retarded and has learned nothing in the past two years.

What am I supposed to say? I like Jim and Sam's show; I don't like Opie's.

Opie only produces good radio with Anthony; Anthony only produces good radio with Opie. On their own, they both produce dogshit.
