am I the only one who thinks most comedians suck and most stand up is just not funny?

25  2016-10-22 by JeremyACrosby


I love when comedians come on radio shows but I hate their standup.

Listening to ona ruined stand up for me as well

I loved listening to Patrice on O and A: spent countless hours doing so. Then I checked out his stand up, and it was nothing on it: felt so...artificial - and pandering to an audience.

I thought Elephant in the Room was great.

Patrices standup were great.

i'm pretty sure the only way not to bomb to is pander is some way.

like if the women-beating material isn't going over too well it'd be a good idea not to segue into your rape jokes. But what do i know im just some civilian

There are a couple of really good lesser known NY comics. D'assandre Besso is pretty funny.

Hahaha got me. I wasn't paying close enough attention. Gosh, that sucks, though.


"asian dude ya got any answers"

gotta admit, i laughed at that. maybe i should look more into this sherrod fella

Dear God that's awful.

He's a lot more bloated than I thought.

Most stand up does nothing for me. The only thing that actually makes me laugh is old clips of jimmy and ant ripping people apart or making fun of the retaaahds.

Try listening to Dave Attell. Easily the funniest motherfucker alive.

But he wears fingerless gloves that fooking gay bruh

At least he didn't dye his bald spot blonde.

What's the joke here? Attell has some beef with big jay? Debts?

His last special was dogshit

who's that?

I used to love standup, but I just don't anymore. I'll try once in a while and I probably will laugh a few times but it just doesn't ever really get me. I think it's because I know comedians work super hard on their art and their craft, and then on the radio someone will toss out a dumb line and it's a million times funnier. If laughs are that easy to come by, idk how I'm supposed to appreciate the work that goes into stand up. Last standup act that really made me laugh was Joan Rivers.

I wonder sometimes if I went to a comedy show irl if it would be better and have more energy. But where I live the only comedians that come by are doug stanhope because he's good like that, and huge british acts that are very middle of the road and tame. And I always manage to find out about Stanhope like a week after he's visited, fucking sucks.

I went to the edinburgh fringe festival this year and caught a bunch of no name comedians. It wasn't that they didn't have good jokes, but the venues were so "intimate" that I had to force a laugh because I was basically making direct eye contact with them 100% of the time. Never been more uncomfortable in my life. One of them was actually retarded, and was making fun of her retarded boyfriend for being more retarded than her. Pissed me off because she was fucking hot, and I'm here with my hand while some gimp is getting laid.

Live comedy is better. There's something about the atmosphere that changes. Mediocre jokes become funnier because you paid to have a good night and the vibe is conducive to laughing more than usual. That's why I've pretty much given up on recorded specials, there's just something that doesn't translate. It's like buying live albums.

I think because people around you are laughing it kind of tricks you into laughing and thinking something is funny. I've laughed harder at a live Tom Papa set than any good recorded special.

That is absolutely it. It's kind of a group think thing. Another factor is that you're paying to go to a comedy special or comedy club and wanting to have a good time, so you'll let down your guard a little and just roll with it. But having said that, I've been to shows expecting a decent time and ended up roasting the stand ups with neighbouring audience members just to salvage the night.

That's it. I've had more fun watching open mics than some of the Netflix specials.

did he bust out the sourdough?

If you're in the UK check out Stewart Lee. Also Burr, goes to Scotland occasionally.

Stewart Lee is very good, but a 10 minute clip will satisfy me for a year.

No Scottush cunt says "laid"

The ones with no friends who stay inside listening to american radio shows all day do.

I'm on thin ice with that one mate

The thing with comedy is you can't know what you're gonna get - a guy hungover from the night before who just wants to sweat out his set, someone new who's not quite there yet, or a guy in the groove, with a good set, who's enjoying life. And, of course, a slew of unfunny women. If you want guaranteed quality, you have to hit that level of show - someone who's been around a while, has an established set, a special or two, and a fanbase (a dead crowd sucks no matter who it is).

Even the greats bombed. All of them. Carlin had bad nights - you just never saw them on tv. If you're lucky, you don't get one of those nights, when you buy tickets.

I agree with you.

The more standup I listened to the more I appreciate listening to people like Billy Connolly who are genuinely funny everytime they talk

I think it might be the trend where everyone calls themselves a comedian now. it's oversaturated with people who were never funny and are just not particularly clever either. A lot of them are really successful somehow too. Guys like Connolly who are super smart and naturally funny tend to get lost in a sea of shit comedians.

I especially like him with Parkinson's, all shaky and shit. Real original stuff.

Is billy rated as a Greta comedian in the U.S?

Not the only one. It's different in a live setting though - doesn't translate well to the screen. I have literally spent the last week of my free time trying to find one funny bit by an LA comic and I can't.

Dolla dolla bills, y'all!

Try Ian Edwards. He's the fucking man. He's at the Store this week, I know he did a spot last night.

No thanks, Ian

Does Tom Segura count as an LA comic? He makes me laugh.

Most modern comics suck at stand up because they aren't actual funny people. They try to turn on funny when they get on stage.

That's how I feel about Rogan, and most of the dudes he champions/has on his show. Redban, Ari Shaffir. That fuck head Erik Griffin. None of these guys are funny or even interesting, but they can write/perform jokes. Rogan is SO bad.

I think that Lenny blues is really terrible

I really hate that patrice turned funny into a noun

You mean you don't find people like Gabriel Iglesias funny?

Dave Chapelle is still the funniest man on this planet, other than that I agree. Jeffries is alright

(((Hollywood))) wont let us have him.

Same with Eddie Murphy, who also is still up there as the most talented comedian ever. (((SNL))) fucked him over after he gave them their success, and people wonder why he doesn't perform anymore. They even fuckes up his queue cards and timming during the SNL 40 show as a final fuck you to him. What a dirty business.

Fuck man, I haven't seen him / his material lately, but I've seen him live at least 3 times and I was crying laughing within the first two minutes and it didn't stop. When I left my face hurt. The only other time that's happened was when I saw Stanhope recently. There's just something about those guys that is naturally funny and not so forced like most written material from other people.

I totally agree. 99% of stand ups are hacks with nothing to say.

also comedians praise shitdicks like Andy Kindler, I know it's popular to hate him around here just because, but I genuinely do not find anything he does funny or even entertaining, he is absolutely worthless. If comedians are the "experts" on comedy then why do they love garbage like this guy?

(((networking))) - the top of this article outlines the funniest thing he ever did. One that could also be turned back around on him in a split second.

Damn. Now I like him a little.

teh joo?

Which comedians have you heard? Maybe you just don't have a sense of humor. Maybe you just don't like the format of live stand-up? It is it's own style that not everyone finds palatable. It's like how I (and most people) hate improv. That's considered comedy but it's just so unappealing to me.

If you have Netflix check out Tom Segura. He's pretty accessible to those that don't listen/watch comedy. If you don't like it then maybe stand-up just isn't your taste in comedy. If you don't have a sense of humor you might find Opies show in the afternoon to better suit you.

Segura is good.

His last special was dumb

Definitely not his best but I saw him live in June (all new material) and he was fucking hilarious. Of course, live is always different because of the environment...

I hope his next special involves his dumb wife and a shovel

Oh like a gardening type stand-up show? That's different...

Yeah like with wood chipper or sumtin and a bag of lye


Bill Burr, Patrice, Jim Jeffrees, Pryor, Stewart Lee, Doug Stanhope, even Hannibal Buress. All these guy are hilarious

Jeselnik is pretty good, but he's a little too up his own ass about how edgy he is. His jokes are good though. Beyond that, i couldn't tell you a comedian i thought was good. Even Louis CK's last special ate ass.

I don't find Bobby Kelley funny. All his material from what I've seen centers around him being fat and liking food. A less funny John pinette at this point.

I've never seen Vic Henley perform but I'll go ahead and say he stinks too

I never thought he was funny either, I never got it. I always thought he was just a big Norton rip off. He was the first comedian I ever saw bomb, he opened for Jimmy at my college in like 2002 and it was horribly uncomfortable. (He's a damn good actor though, I'll give him that)

The only consistently funny standup is Stanhope and maybe CK. Then there's a couple of people like Jefferies, Carr, Attell, Pepitone, Burr, Jeselnik who have a decent special from time to time and that's pretty much the 8 or so currently living people on the planet who are good at standup. Everyone else is fucking garbage.

Jeselnik makes me laugh everytime.

There are tons of comics who never made it big who are consistently funny. Will Durst is one of them. I've been seeing him live since the 80's in the Bay Area, and he's only gotten better over time. I used to go to the comedy clubs in SF and LA a lot, and saw people who were funny as hell, who never made it past the clubs. I mean, what's your problem, anyway, you sound like Roland and food, with his "pedestrian" comments. It's just jokes. You don't have to be so angry over jokes.

what's your problem



What? Like Kurt Metzger? He used to be funny. Now he justs sucks at the Piggie teet and falls in line like every other faggoty modern comedian. He treats Barry Crimmins like he is Richard Pryor.

Frankie Boyle is great although all his references are Brittish. Louis CK's specials are usually good, that last one was a lil ruff though... ooft

For me, it is a bit like baseball. A fucking snooze fest on tv but exciting live. There is energy when people are laughing in a group.

Saw Big Jay last night, It may be the hardest I have ever laughed at a show. Jay Bliss was on before him and he was quite good too. I've seen Big Jay's special & a few other clips. I went in thinking "he's a crowd work comic, it was gonna be so-so". Not only did he have the room in tears, my wife pissed herself a little from laughing so hard. I didn't laugh that hard when I saw Carlin years ago. ... What were we talking about? ..oh yeah, most comics bore the shit out of me.

Jay is definitely one of the good ones, he doesn't worry about offending people or getting a 'message' out with his comedy, he just worries about being funny.

Good stand up is an amazing experience live, but if you attempt to visit your local "comedy scene" you'll probably see why the greats are so few and far between. It's hard to pull off and the vast majority is just shit.

Jim Jeffries is hilarious all the time.


Honestly: Go out and see standup comedy live in your city. Its a completey different beast. I think people dislike Standup on TV bc: Its so rehearsed and polished. Whether your watching a half hour, hour, latenight set: its been driven into the ground in the comics head, unless they are a good actor you can almost see them repeating it with their eyes closed. Go see your favorite comic live and you can catch them riffing, doing crowdwork or trying new fresh stuff (hopefully)

Also: Its the setting. You with your headphones on glaring into your phone or watching a tv/laptop screen isn't how standup was made to be taken in. Go out with some friends, get some drinks, a meal, TReAT YOURSELF! And you may find yourself enjoying yourself and the act onstage.

Additionally, for specials, the standups are way more nervous and only a few real masters like Rock, Patrice, Chappelle, Burr, etc. don't visibly show it or let it affect them. They come across like they would in a club, while some of the newer comics are trying to remember everything and it really shows. If you see the same comics in a club when they are just fucking around and then throwing in whatever material they have or are working on, it's a lot looser and for me, much more bearable, and by nature, funnier.

Standup is best live.

With alcohol?



yes, most stand up is awful, always panders to lowest common denominator of whatever style crowd the comic attracts, funny people are best left to just be funny spontaneously like patrice or jimmy can be on the fly in the studio (or were). Jimmy's standup is just repetitive edgy shit, patrice was no better, ant can't even do a roast and yet somehow together on the show they would make me howl almost daily and over nothing, often complete nonsense.

Dylan Moran is the only stand up who has consistently made me laugh.

Trump has better stand up than most stand up comedians.

The roast he recently did in some catholic dinner was gold.

I miss Greg Giraldo.

Rehearsed shit is less funny.

I think the problem is that a lot of "comedians" get into stand-up because they see it as the bottom rung of the show business ladder even though it's probably one of the hardest art forms to master. Consequently, you get a thousand hacks for every good comedian.

Some people are too cynical to enjoy stand up at all.

It's a sad way to live life.


I used to love stand up. I can't stand it any more. I have a visceral reaction to those stand up shots on Reddit and I tried listening to Comedy Central radio on Sirius and didn't last more than a few minutes. I find comics really useless these days and extremely faggy. Either the comics changed or I changed.

It's really rare for me to find a stand up bit funny. I'm autistic so I don't see the humour in silly faces and wacky voices. I need comedy to be mean.

Silly faces and wacky voices? You mean human emotion? Cause other than Dane Cook I can't think of a comic who does silly faces and wacky voices post 1995

His name is James Morton.

Except for Louie.. yes he's become pretentious and arrogant over the past couple years but his stand up is still hilarious.

Ok, so Louie isn't funny??

I don't really like standup in general, and I don't judge how funny a comedian is by their standup. Like I think Norm is probably the funniest living person, and his standup never makes me laugh. I've laughed at Colin's standup a little, but I also think hes one of the funniest living people.

Standup is really just the craft of telling a humorous monologue. It's not art because standup has a purpose and isn't meant to be interpreted: if no one laughs, that means it's bad, whereas art is more subjective. I just think you can get much better and more varied comedy in other environments. Even just having a 2nd person there, like on Norm's podcast, makes the whole dynamic different than if it was just 1 long monologue. Same with Stern. Talking to someone allows a whole different set of ways to set up jokes than just 1 guy giving a speech, which is what standup is. I think scripted comedy has the potential to be the funniest, ie the ceiling is the highest, then conversation, then monologue is at the bottom. It's harder to write, for sure, but I've laughed way harder at Colin just breaking balls than I ever have at anyones prepared material

"Your" opinion on art vs craft is practically a word-for-word reiteration of something Norm recently said. Have you ever had an original thought in your life?


I think you suck at life.


I think because people around you are laughing it kind of tricks you into laughing and thinking something is funny. I've laughed harder at a live Tom Papa set than any good recorded special.