The O&A universe is a few talented people held together by a glue of unfunny douches

15  2016-10-22 by MawBTS1989

Who gave Ant a start in radio? Opie.

Who introduced Ant to Opie? Brother Joe.

Who introduced Jim Norton to O&A? Andrew Dice Clay.

I've always been bothered by how I still feel a grudging and inexplicable respect for Opie, and I think I've figured it out. It isn't because he "steers the ship" or any similar retardation. It's because without him, none of this would have happened. Even if his role was incidental and minor, he still did something that will never be erased by any number of shitty Youtube videos and failed Twitter jokes.

Same with the others. If they couldn't be the funny, at least they connected the funny.



Opie should have died on 9/11

Not even in the attacks, just an unrelated event that rid us of him years ago.

Whaaat's your pleasure, young fella.

KiSs mY mOwTh

Opie also was the one behind a lot of the "Shock Jock" stuff O and A did in Boston and in WNEW. As hacky as those things are now they were attention getters for them and worked.

But Opie got left behind once the shock jock thing became passe and the O and A show shifted more to being a comedy personality driven show when they went to XM. Sure once in awhile they did stunts and stuff early on in the XM days but it slowly started to fade away.

So for a decade he basically was an artifact of the past for a show that passed him by. All he could do was "Host" the show and grab power by putting up with the executives and behind the scenes shit Ant and Norton didn't want to deal with.

Whaddaya got against the Diceman huh? Y'hea me?

I guess you're a big Alois Hitler fan?

I went over for a blowjob. Your mother was working the bon bon concession at the Eiffel Tower... Hehehehe dijiya hear what I told him? I said I went over for a blowjob, told him his mother was working the Bon Bon concession at the Eiffel Tower.

Dice is a cornball and his mother goose shit is severely dated but he's great. He is still funny as fuck at his Vegas shows. Frig off