Female cartoonist draws a chart of a sexually repellent male, accidentally draws Jimmy.

124  2016-10-21 by BeMineYouGoose


Imagine if a guy did this with females...

I was thinking the exact same thing

Tits and pussy, can I get a hell yeah, guys!? Fawk yeah dvv dvv

Tits and pussy PECKA!!!!

FAWK Yeahhhhh!!!!

This guys FAWKIN good

Fawkin homerun Chippah!

Well aren't you two just two peas in a pod.

I'm busy imagining how sexually repellent this artist probably is


Yes, Google her. She's an incredibly talented cartoonist, semi-hot for a lanky anorexic ginger with a weird voice, and a terrible comedian.


I mean it's hard to tell if she's hot or if she's just hiding under big hair and make up but damn...

Its amusing theirs a faint sense of shame in your attraction towards her.

She's hot for a cartoonist, but compared to a regular person she's just average and too skinny, but I love her art. She trashes the way she looks better than anyone: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_5LkCzpDWXkA/S6iLQnwavfI/AAAAAAAAAfE/FA2PIySNCJQ/s400/podcast.jpg

She had all kinds of interesting theories on caricature and body parts and facial expressions and the way people look. She's also a very nice person, although kind of crazy and a shes lately become a bit of an SJW feminist libtard

Jesus christ you fucking sissy

What's your pleasure young fellow?

i'm a fan of her too

but nigger, u gay


How so lately? I haven't seen her writing anything about that stuff

Her twitter.

Fuck that yeast twated bint

She looks a bit like a dolphin wearing a wig.

Feminists should suck a dick.


"Two big fat fuckin funbags and a freshly shaven cunt to match! <<----Very Important!!"

This is now considered an edgy statement.

There was this news segment I saw and the hosts were talking about what constitutes an attractive face and it was all about slender features and smaller noses and all that. There were 2 other black people in the segment and you just saw them sit there seething.

It would also be funny?

Guys caring what girls do to discriminate against them is one of the faggiest aspects of modern society.

You act like men judging women's looks isn't a thing that happens.


Yeah, all you lisping, cocksucking, AIDS riddled faggots of this sub would get in a sewing circle and discuss how Trump is mean to women.

I can see your point, but the artist is brutal to everyone, including herself.

I don't have to imagine it, because it happens all the time and women usually don't like it. Do you see why?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop....You have been noted.

I always thought it was funny that Jimmy looks like the average of unattractive female faces from this German study on facial beauty.

That's uncanny

The one on the right looks like she has hairy pits and wears camo pants with boots.

"Less fat"

Says it all.

Too many of my features are exhibited on the character on the left, so I will be pulling a Robert Budd Dwyer tonight. Ciao.

dont post pics you ugly fuck

I get that the worm on the left is revolting, but women have terrible taste in everything in general. Slap some glasses on the guy on the right and you've got Howard.

Kikes aren't people.

But how'd she find my photo for the one on the right? (pm me)

tsss yeah fukken bullsugah!

Anyone got a photo of the cartoonist?

That's a brother.

Yo dat bitch gotta dick!

Oh, alright.

Gotta admit I just assumed she'd be an absolute hog.


Those are some pretty big paws she's gripping that phone with...

If she's a trap she's close enough

Yeah I was bummed too

Ginger tranny. Wonderful.

Hey, she has many features of the attractive face on the right!

I was about to have my Jimmies rustled by the TEMERITY of that WHORE shaming my proud, breadwinning bros.

Then I remembered that I'm a grown-ass adult man (legally, at least) and getting hurt feefees about this kind of thing is teenage boy (or grown-ass adult woman) territory.

Then I considered the fact that with a little grooming and upkeep, men arent on the sexual scrapheap at age 34, and i laughed and laughed .

And also women can look past looks to find you sexy- look at Robert Mitchum, Bob Dylan, most rock stars, actually.

fuck i knew it was Marlo Meekins


I think she didn't put enough emphasis on how unattractive short people (under 6 foot) are to women.


Even homosexuals arent this picky, women are worse than faggots.

"She is best known for her work on Vine." I hate the world we live in.

"It just bothers me how many demands y'all have and just what little you bring to the table" - Patrice

Good lord it does look like Jimmy

Body shaming.

This girl's first love was the douche (read: pussy crusher) on the right. We all knew that dude. The sap on the left is her hopeless hetero-friend that drunkenly tried once. We kinda knew that dude, too. Either he was a directionless nerd or a wigger - either way, you tried to feel bad for him but just couldn't. Also, if she's ever had a fly's fart of an orgasm, it's been by her own hand, maybe with the help of some synthetic molded rubber, or an ugly, lonely, sort-of "girl-once..", man-bitter chubby "friend" who is desperately trying to touch the privates of anybody, with the help of enough booze. My guess is that she set her sights way too high in 10th grade, and spent her high school years chasing her dreamy dude, just to be the recipient of his first premature ejaculation, not owed to her at all. After the awkward graduation into pseudo-adulthood (college life), she had her first fling/hookup/booty call. 2 years in, and after only two "boyfriends", and cemented bitterness by only chasing the worst possible situation, she now has a well forged ax to grind; shat out of her broken heart, and tempered by her cold and ignored vagina. She cartooned this over some what-have-you sweetened alcoholic drinks, being cheered on by no less that 3 (but probably more) rotund, dejected, homely "people" that can only lay claim to the female gender with their birth certificate. NOT trans-, just those... their appearance matches their place in gender, as it does in life - LOST- destined to hold more protest signs than their own children, and wear more nose rings than wedding rings. And while marriage should not be a goal for anyone, it does represent a finish line in life that is relatively happier than being a single, old, bitter cat lady - or tattoo artist's Ex.

Somehow between gulps of red stag & coke, I scrolled right past the image of this roman goddess. I have been known to make mistakes, from time to time. Her love of Tom Cruse is a subject for discussion, though.

Actually: she is pretty for sure. But you were semi-right about her life.

DeRosa/Norton/Bobo/Patton all molded into one grotesque, unfuckable lump!!

good combination of masculine + feminine features

Does that mean that jelly-titted, reality TV marathoning, teen-girl-esque passive aggressive tweeting Gregg Hughes - realy could have been a model??!!!!

And bobo

Sort of Jimbobo with Sam's bulbous eyes.

patton oswalt too he is a dumpy fuck

That's unfortunate

In an alternate universe where the Ice Age were accurate and mad scientist James Norton uses a sample of his own semen in an unethical experiment to create a hybrid worm-sloth.

Why do I sense that whoever drew this was a 300 lb land whale piecing together her ideal man from the 100s of romance novels she reads.

I look like neither of these caricatures. I'm either ridiculously good looking or completely repulsive.

Given the amount of girls I've had over the years...ah shit, I'm repulsive.

Shes missing "awful facial twitches" and thats Jimmy.

Who would image Sam Roberts being the eye-candy of the duo.

Are those pimples near the right guy chin?


probably a small wang

Hey look the other guy is me :)

But you're going to OD within the year so it doesn't matter. :)

Off heroin

What's your pleasure young fellow?

Yo dat bitch gotta dick!