Maybe the bigwigs didn't want a morning show that takes every Friday off?

20  2016-10-21 by Mr702law

Are we allowed to say that? Well, ARE WE!!?



Terry Cliffard is doing better than Opie.

She really is better than Opie. Terry isn't very good, but she's just trying to be funny while appealing to people with next to no sense of humor in the first place. Terry was just being herself and not being very funny while doing it, but her target audience probably enjoys her.

Opie however, was always trying way too hard to hang with the likes of Ant and Jimmy, Colin, Patrice, Burr, etc., and failed miserably at it. Opie was always trying to be something he's not while sitting right next to brilliant comics. The drastic contrast between him and them only amplified how fucking unfunny he is. The fact that he even attempted to seem funny next to those guys just shows how little self awareness he had, and his target audience can't stand him for it.

Precisely. As bad as Terry Clifford is, she works in Rochester, which in all fairness is a fairly nice place to live. It's a smaller area, lot of families and people who would enjoy her type of show. Yea, she's not good, but she's still fairly tolerable considering she's aiming her show at her target audience.

Opie's best role was to just sit tehre, laugh at the funny, and be the "straight man" (yes, I know all the jokes about him being gay will flood in) to the comedians e.g. setting them up for punchlines, providing news stories and material for them to riff on, asking questions as though he's playing the role of the audience, etc. He hated that role because he wasn't the center spotlight, so he kept trying to abandon that role and join in the funny, which he often killed.

I heard she reads Mein Kampf on a regular basis.

You say that like its a bad thing.

Once a year, like Christopher Lee and LOTR.



It's what- his SECOND week and he's already taking time off? Jesus, Opie.


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I would love to be able to downvote all the deleted posts.

Stop taking our stooges away from us auto mod, let the newboy eunichs post.

I wonder how many wonderful alcohol/drug fueled 4 am rants by the Cumias and other degenerates were prevented by this shitty 48 hours rule.

The mentally ill of this subreddit are dedicated enough to have dozens of spare accounts ready at all times anyway.

Fuck you mods.

I want to see the posts, I know their Cumias or Opie shills. We should be able to read and mock.

Automod is very good because people tend to make alot of accounts on here and this at least makes them have a waiting period.