Joe Piscopo considering run for Governor of New Jersey

33  2016-10-21 by unclepaul84



They're trying to tear us apart!

There are evil forces working here and girl they're trying to tear us aparrrrrrrrtttttt!


I don't understand, what your Daddy don't see ....

Um, his teen daughter openly whoring herself out in the national media to a womanizing, washed-up juicer, perhaps?

Oh yeah, Jersey Joe with his 20 ex-wives and 80 babies. That's who should be in office.

Hey, he's a family man!

You don't think he makes good relationship decisions?

He doesn't like wearing a baaag he just shoots his fawkin goo! Oh!

We love you New York, we love you Philly, but this is Joisey BAY-BEEEEE!

I just did a full-body cringe shake at that. God bless ya.

The best part of New Jersey this that it serves as a Tsunami buffer. You get to save the lives of decent people and you all die. Win win.

Oh really? I had no idea he was from New Jersey. Has he ever mentioned this?

My mother loves it when I lower the taxes, so just stay with me here, here we go (plays piano shittily)

Can't wait for him do bring out all of his a list friend on the campaign trail. How long until he resorts to Sinatra impressions to boost his campaign?

"Mike Keaton was always telling me I'd be a good politician."

And he's got a morning drive radio show, too! Give it a listen, won't you?

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They still make that shit?

Holy shit did they erase the background in MS Paint?

I don't care if no one gets it when they ask me "What exit?"

We get it Joe, you're from New Jersey

I live in NJ. I know alot of folks here do too.

Our state is so fucked up with thieving politicians (23 cent gas tax to payback the road fund they pilfered for years, and tolls on a road (Parkway) that continue to go up, when it should have been free a long time ago.

Public unions run rampant over the taxpayer.

How bad could the guy who played Incredible Hulk fuck it up?

The Terminator from what I know did a decent job in Cali.

23 cent gas tax

Must be how they pay for all the professional gas pump technicians you're required to use

No sir, it goes towards the road repair fund.

Here is how road repair works in NJ.

They set up cones, close lanes, then drive away.

Then they stand around on the roadside while they make you go slower through a so called "construction zone".

They stand around on the side of the road for 6 months doing very little. You can see their coffee cups steaming as you drive by in the winter.

Then they take up the cones, move them 10 miles down the road then drink coffee there, fucking up the traffic and taking from people who actually do real work.

And some hot blonde bitcH did it That's beautiful

Anti-union, huh? What are ya, Communist?

LMAO wtf is that anyway? Every time I am in Jersey and I fill-up, some dickhead comes over and is like "I gotta do it; it's the law". How retarded.

Yep only 19 y/o pakistani immigrants are qualified

Alot of toothless niggers where I am at.

I actually seek out the fucking Pakis, they won't raid your spare change while you piss. It is also 5 cents cheaper than the fucking Indians down the street.

That did not sound racist did it?

That's enraging. In Ontario, say the base price on fuel is 70.7 c/L, there's 13% HST then 24.7 c/L on top. Brings total to 104.6 c/L price, so 48% tax, 33.9c/L are taxes. edit: Better to say 32% of the 104.6c/L are taxes.

33.9 c/L = 128.8 c/USgallon

It is more than the gas dude.

Highest property tax in the nation.

What I pay here would be enough for multiple houses in Pennsylvania, the next state over.

NJ is by far the second most corrupt crony filled money sink on earth besides Russia.

I'd say NY has you beat on overall fees associated with living in the state. The city is expensive as fuck, but the whole state has one of the highest costs of living in the country. Hawaii and DC I think are the only ones more expensive

I really wish I can blame black people for all this.

Stalker Patti said she she was paying $2500/month for an apartment that you could touch opposite walls with outstretched hands. lol

Why don't you move then? Not trying to be a dick I'm just genuinely curious. Family? Solid job?

Solid job, I work shitty hours but good crew of guys who do not tell on each other. Decent money, full benefits.

I could move but I would lose my pension.

do not tell on each other

Assisted living orderly?

damn that's gay as fuck


Woah... I did not know it was that bad.

Never has one man done so much with one shitty Sinatra impression.


Piscipo had no comeback.

"Club Piscopo" showed us that much.

Club Piscopo was some of the funniest radio I've ever heard.

Didn't he cheat on his wife with the teen babysitter and then married her.

Yes indeed. And that didn't work out, so he knocked up a couple other broads.

He had to spread the Piscopo seed.

"Hullo, this is Ahurnuld. Put your shirt buck on."

Vote Joe

If Joe gets keys for NJ he`ll be going around state like Johnny Appleseed dumping his load in everything

Its up to you NJ, NJjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

I can confirm from experience my old job that Piscopo is very tight with a few power brokers and billionaires. I don't know if it came out of living in their towns or playing their charity gigs and private gigs, but he is very tight with some big time folks.

I wouldn't be surprised if they would bankroll him to get tutored on stances to have about the big issues.

Tell us more of the information you acquires when you were Jim McGreevey's personal cabana boy.

Heard this last month

He's gonna make all those fatcats down in Trenton pay their fair-share!

How about joe piscoNO fawk yeah!!

Piscipo had no comeback.

"Club Piscopo" showed us that much.