What is it like having a GF?

0  2016-10-21 by Bergli



Imagine a heavybag with a cunt that you can make cry.

Could one attach a penis like device if one were so inclined?

Asking for me.

Source: have anus.

It's like having someone around who you thought you liked a lot but only like a little which causes you to behave like an asshole to see how much you can get away with until she leaves and slanders you to all her friends.

All kidding aside it really is quite overrated. For every 20 minutes of goodness there's 40 hours of annoying in between.


Its constantly dealing with someone that uses no logic and takes no accountability.

So like having a female colleague?

Hey buddy, why don't you post a couple a pictures of you so we can give you an honest critique of your looks?

It's a lot easier to make suggestions on how to improve if we can see what we're working with.


Yeah, that's a great idea. I definitely want people to recognize me and know I am a 30 year old kissless virgin who shitposts on a subreddit for a now ceased radio show

You forgot the photos, buddy.

I think it's fair, I posted dick-pics for Knickers... Don't be a pussy

You sure did. What happened to that hod bod, BTW? That black chick with the chewed up nips sure loved it.

It was a drunken whim, I'm sure it's on imgur somewhere but I wouldn't even know where to find it at this point. Whatever happened to to that broad? Her nips/tits weren't my thing, but in fairness they were still the best tits ever posted in this sub besides Opie's

She was undoubtedly murdered by her n boyfriend. I'm trying not to use racial slurs as much since I visit other subreddits and have some folks from them convinced I'm a decent person. Fuckin idiots.

It's like you and your boyfriend, but you're never bottom

I never bottom my BF though, my cock is only 4.5"

jesus. are you actually a 30 year old virgin?

Yeah...I honestly don't know how this happened. I haven't even kissed a girl yet

just get a hooker at this point. Even if she's really mean to you you probably have low self esteem because you're on this subreddit in the morning, so who gives a shit, just fuck her once, pay her, leave and maybe do it again if you want to

Do you have any unique talents? Or are you just a fat guy


Not fat, not attractive, short, mediocre.

honestly just get a hooker so youre not afraid of it anymore. It doesnt take rocket appliances

Or a fleshlight. Juxt make sure to put it in hot water before using for maximum ple-shooor.

yeah but you dont have to interact with a fleshlight. You could try a dead girl as a segue

Not having to interact is the best part.

meh. Id like it to speak once or twice a day

lower your standards

everyone can get a 2

It's like using a fleshlight for five minutes a day, then spending the rest of it listening to nails on a chalkboard while a drill instructor meticulously details each and every failrue of your miserable, worthless existence. Chances of a decent home-cooked meal are negligable.

Imagine constantly wishing you were alone. That's what a relationship devolves into.

Every daydream or fantasy you have, like winning the lottery for example, doesn't involve her. Which should tell you something but you keep grinding it out because you know you can't really do any better.

That's why marriage scares the shit out of me. I'm 27 and my friends are all getting shacked up but I just don't have the desire. It basically boils down to the choice of whether you'd rather be alone or annoyed for the rest of your life. I'm still cool with the former for now.

This is the actual basement dwelling Panera worker Anthony doxxed.

No one heres knows the answer to that question.

It's actually all fine until you cum in her then it's like GET THE FUCK OUT WHORE.

Its always great at first, but eventually it comes down to if having sex regularly is worth being around them constantly, and its usually not.

I have plenty of good fights in UFC 2, quite enjoyable. A-boo.


Something tells me this is non-fiction, I salute you sir.

Something I've come to realize is that you shouldn't feel bad about using a loser woman for sex. Worried about breaking her heart and feeling mean? DON'T. I genuinely believe that 95% of women are able to completely get over heartbreak in 1 month or less. Even complete oinkers. It makes sense, it's biology. A woman's reproductive life is limited so they can't afford to sit on the sidelines while they feel sorry for themselves. Also sex is a woman thing, they control it and most every woman you meet has no doubt had soo much more sex than you.

Not to brag, but I currently have 5 gf's. One of which is almost an 8.

All you have to do is talk shit to girls in a charming way and throw out a genuine compliment in between. Do it to a bunch of girls and keep failing until you get confidence and it becomes easier. For a 30 year old virgin I suggest you start with fat drunk girls. Act like a man. You're better than them.

Actually, get a hooker before you do anything.

So like having a female colleague?