Find The Hole

0  2016-10-21 by bruppa


Don't fucking talk bad about YMH. It's a good podcast and Christina is a degenerate who talks about her farts and taking shits every episode.

YMH sucks. CP is a dumb cunt pig and I hope Tom dumps her no talent ass. She's so physically and mentally ugly.

get your life


What else would you even want to hear while sitting on your commute?

OK, where's Opie?

I kept hearing this was a good podcast and decided to take a peek. Wow! Was it bad. His wife is horrible. It was unlistenable.

This is infuriating to watch, this cunt sounds like my wife, broads just don't understand slapstick. Plus Segura watched this video for the first time on Opie & Jimmy when he was on last year, he could've at least acknowledged that.


They both stink